Microbiology Australia
Volume 41 Number 2 2020
One Health Probiotics
MA20018Amplification of probiotic bacteria in the skin microbiome to combat Staphylococcus aureus infection
Tristan Yusho Huang, Deron Raymond Herr, Chun-Ming Huang and Yong Jiang
pp. 61-64
MA20027The future of faecal microbiota transplantation in gastrointestinal illness
Hayley Reed and Jakob Begun
pp. 70-74
MA20020The relevance of probiotics in Caesarean-born neonates
Hanna E Sidjabat, Alaa Mohammed Ali Alsaggaf, Akshatha Gopalakrishna, Evelyn Nadar, Adam Irwin and Pieter Koorts
pp. 75-81
MA20021The challenges in commercialisation of Probiotic API manufacturing
Joe Liu, Brendan Cook and Shaun Roux
pp. 82-85
MA20022On the use of probiotics to improve dairy cattle health and productivity
Divya Krishnan, Hulayyil Al-harbi, Justine Gibson, Timothy Olchowy and John Alawneh
pp. 86-90
MA20023Faecal microbiota transplantation: is it the future for pig production?
Tanya L Nowland and Roy N Kirkwood
pp. 91-94
MA20024Current perspectives and applications in plant probiotics
Robert Walker, Carl Otto-Pille, Sneha Gupta, Martino Schillaci and Ute Roessner
pp. 95-99
MA20025Probiotics for corals
Linda L Blackall, Ashley M Dungan, Leon M Hartman and Madeleine JH van Oppen
pp. 100-104
MA20026Probiotics for cultured freshwater fish
Javier Fernando Melo-BolĂvar, Ruth Yolanda Ruiz-Pardo, Michael E Hume, Hanna E Sidjabat and Luisa Marcela Villamil-Diaz
pp. 105-108
MA20028 Abstract | MA20028 Full Text | MA20028PDF (773 KB) Open Access Article