Environmental Chemistry
Volume 6 Number 5 2009
EN09032Carp chemical sensing and the potential of natural environmental attractants for control of carp: a review
Aaron Elkins, Russell Barrow and Simone Rochfort
pp. 357-368
EN09020Carbon monoxide emissions by phytoplankton: evidence from laboratory experiments
Valérie Gros, Ilka Peeken, Katrin Bluhm, Eckart Zöllner, Roland Sarda-Esteve and Bernard Bonsang
pp. 369-379
EN09083Water uptake of humic and fulvic acid: measurements and modelling using single parameter Köhler theory
Courtney D. Hatch, Kelly M. Gierlus, James Zahardis, Jennifer Schuttlefield and Vicki H. Grassian
pp. 380-388
EN09057Development of DNPH/HPLC method for the measurement of carbonyl compounds in the aqueous phase: applications to laboratory simulation and field measurement
Hongli Wang, Xuan Zhang and Zhongming Chen
pp. 389-397
EN09035Multi-criteria ranking and source apportionment of fine particulate matter in Brisbane, Australia
Adrian J. Friend and Godwin A. Ayoko
pp. 398-406
EN09050Photodegradation of nitrite in lake waters: role of dissolved organic matter
Davide Vione, Marco Minella, Claudio Minero, Valter Maurino, Paolo Picco, Aldo Marchetto and Gabriele Tartari
pp. 407-415
EN09038Gypsum saturation degrees and precipitation potentials from Dead Sea–seawater mixtures
Itay J. Reznik, Jiwchar Ganor, Assaf Gal and Ittai Gavrieli
pp. 416-423
EN09062Ionic regulation in an alpine peatland in the Bogong High Plains, Victoria, Australia
Ewen Silvester
pp. 424-431
EN090541H NMR metabolomics of earthworm responses to sub-lethal PAH exposure
Sarah A. E. Brown, Andre J. Simpson and Myrna J. Simpson
pp. 432-440
EN08086The aqueous geochemistry of thallium: speciation and solubility of thallium in low temperature systems
Yongliang Xiong
pp. 441-451
EN09013Low temperature headspace desorption of volatile organic compounds trapped in air sampling solid-supports
Francesc A. Esteve-Turrillas, Agustín Pastor and Miguel de la Guardia
pp. 452-458