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Environmental problems - Chemical approaches
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Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Volume 22 Number 1 2025

EN24087Mercury in an Australian sclerophyll Eucalyptus forest and emissions from fuel reduction prescribed burning

James R. Taylor 0009-0008-0567-0798, Larissa Schneider 0000-0001-5276-2531, Anne-Helene Fostier 0000-0002-6250-7419, Heather Keith 0000-0001-5956-7261, Fei Cao, Peter Davies, Geoffrey J. Cary, Simon G. Haberle and Susan Lawrence

A labelled diagram of a sclerophyll Eucalyptus forest on fire releasing mercury into the atmosphere.

Environmental context. Understanding how mercury cycles through the environment is crucial for protecting ecosystems and human health. Our study is among the first to measure mercury concentrations in Eucalyptus forest soils and litter, and estimate emissions from prescribed burns, addressing a significant gap in current knowledge. These new data enhance our understanding of mercury cycling in Australia and contribute to the global information on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury. (Image credit: Larissa Schneider)

This article belongs to the collection: Mercury in the environment.

EN24060Influence of the external N and P inputs on nutrients in the coastal area of Xiamen, China

Siying Dai, Jiehua Hu, Shanshan Wang 0000-0002-4712-2238, Siming Huang, Rong Tian, Shuhui Zhao, Yang Luo, Xiaoke Zhang, Xia Sun and Jinpei Yan

Bar charts (left) related to annual nutrients fluctuation and a scheme (right) depicting nutrients circulation in the environment.

Environmental context. Nutrients from external sources are related to critical ecological issues in coastal seawater. We investigated the nearshore nutrient concentrations and their sources in Xiamen Bay, China during 2013–2018. Our results provide support for the need to control sources of nearshore nutrient pollution. (Image credit: Siying Dai.)

EN24089Mercury wet deposition in the urban and industrialised region of Campinas, south-east Brazil

Amauris Hechavarria-Hernandez, José Lucas Martins Viana and Anne Hélène Fostier 0000-0002-6250-7419

A scheme depicting mercury wet deposition and analysis.

Environmental context. Wet deposition is a primary mechanism for transferring atmospheric mercury (Hg) to the Earth’s surface. In Brazil, as well as in the rest of the Southern Hemisphere, only limited data on wet Hg deposition are available. This article addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive dataset from nearly 2 years of monitoring, focusing on mercury concentrations in rainwater and wet Hg deposition in Campinas, one of the largest industrial and populated regions in São Paulo state (south-east Brazil). (Image credit: José L. M. Viana.)

This article belongs to the collection: Mercury in the environment.

Movement of dissolved organic matter and mercury in wet and dry seasons for a shallow (left) and a deep (right) connected lakes of Andean Patagonia.

Environmental context. The pristine oligotrophic lakes of Andean Patagonia are influenced by volcanic eruptions and atmospheric deposition. This study focuses on mercury (Hg) dynamics in two connected lakes in a natural Hg hotspot of the southern Andes. The lake waters have low dissolved organic carbon and moderate to high Hg concentrations, resulting in high Hg availability. These promote Hg binding to natural particulates, thereby favouring its incorporation into food webs. (Image credit: Carolina Soto Cárdenas)

This article belongs to the collection: Mercury in the environment.

EN24041Solubility and dissolution kinetics of particle-bound metals in a surrogate lung fluid

Sara D’Aronco, Valerio Di Marco, Alberto Gambalunga, Federica Chiara, Andrea Trevisan and Chiara Giorio 0000-0001-7821-7398

An illustration of aerosol transportation from the environment into the epithelial lining fluid where it can be partly solubilised.

Environmental context. Metals in airborne particles can interact with lung fluids once particles are inhaled. Water solubility of particle-bound metals is often used to define their bioavailability. We show that particle-bound metals exhibit a complex dissolution kinetics in a surrogate lung fluid, their solubility and dissolution kinetics are driven by the fluid composition, and only to a minor extent by atmospheric aqueous phase processing of aerosols. (Image credit: Francesco Battaglia and Chiara Giorio.)

This article belongs to the collection: Dedication to Roy Harrison.

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