Foreword to the tribute issue for Professor Peter Campbell
Kevin J. WilkinsonBiophysical Environmental Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal, CP 6128 Succursale Centre-ville, Montreal, QC, H3C 3J7, Canada. Corresponding author: Email:
Environmental Chemistry 13(3) i-ii
Published: 25 May 2016
This special issue of Environmental Chemistry is dedicated to the career of Prof. Peter G. C. Campbell and was designed to coincide with his retirement from the Institut national de la recherche – Eau, terre, environment (INRS-ETE) at the end of 2015. Peter is probably best known for his work aiming to increase our quantitative understanding of how the toxicity of metals is modified by competing ions, pH, the presence of natural organic matter and water chemistry parameters. Indeed, his early critical synthesis and review of the free ion activity model[1] has been cited over 1000 times and continues to serve as a reference paper for generations of young scientists entering the field. Nonetheless, Peter’s scientific career has also included many other seminal contributions that were made by first understanding the underlying chemical–biochemical basis for an environmental process and then applying that fundamental knowledge to gain practical insight into complex problems. For example, the method for inferring the speciation of trace elements in sediments using sequential extractions that Peter developed in collaboration with Prof. Andre Tessier[2] has helped thousands of scientists to develop a better understanding of the geochemical behaviour of metals in aquatic ecosystems. Similarly, recent work in the field of metallomics has demonstrated how the uptake and subsequent internal handling of trace metals by aquatic organisms can be better understood by combining state-of-the art analytical tools with a fundamental physiological understanding.[3]
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The contributions of Prof. Campbell in the fields of metal biogeochemistry and ecotoxicology are matched by only a few other individuals. On one hand, Peter has examined emerging and difficult questions, including the piggyback transport of metals into organisms by anion transporters,[4] the biogeochemistry of metals in complex systems[5] and the extremely complex role(s) of natural organic matter on trace metal behaviour.[6] On the other hand, his work has had important but practical implications for industrial and governmental partners. Peter’s expert opinion and balanced scientific assessments are internationally sought and valued- he is regularly solicited by both industrial partners and governmental organisations to solve contentious environmental issues related to metals. Without a doubt, his work has largely moved the risk assessment community to accept the need to take chemical speciation into account during ecotoxicity assessments. The methods that he employs have been developed and extensively tested in his own laboratory and often adopted worldwide.
As demonstrated by these examples, Peter has always strongly favoured a multidisciplinary approach when solving complex problems, something that was facilitated by his continued interactions, locally and internationally, with diverse environmental scientists including biologists, geologists, modellers and engineers. Indeed, papers in this issue reflect both the multidisciplinary vision of Peter, as well as his capacity to influence a broad cross-section of environmental scientists. For example, metal uptake and toxicity was examined both in a review paper that Peter co-authored[7] and in three original papers examining the effects of metal contamination,[8,9] including one on the toxicity of metallic nanoparticles.[10] Peter’s rigorous work on trace metal speciation inspired three papers that carefully examined the methods and implications of chemical speciation determinations.[11–13] In line with Peter’s sustained influence on the many role(s) of natural organic matter, one paper examined its effects on Cu speciation and toxicity,[14] whereas another evaluated its role on surfactant toxicity.[15] Finally, Peter’s contributions to large scale metal cycling studies were reflected by two papers that carefully synthesised long-term records in order to better understand complex ecosystem level problems.[16,17]
On a more personal note, I must attest to the fact that I, like so many others, have greatly benefited from Peter’s guidance and mentorship over the years. Peter’s inspiration was key to my continuing graduate studies and considering a career in academia. I can only hope that my students will always apply the same rigour to their scientific endeavours as Peter always showed me was necessary. Peter is an extremely generous mentor, providing students, postdocs and young faculty with his undivided attention in order to help them reach their full potential. Among his colleagues, he is simultaneously a team player and a key leader. In spite of the global demands on his time, I know of no other researcher with such a thorough grasp of the literature. It is a pleasure to dedicate this issue to such a renowned professor whose original, distinctive research on the biogeochemistry of metals has influenced the thinking of so many of us.
Kevin J. Wilkinson
Editor, Environmental Chemistry
[1] P. G. C. Campbell, Interactions between trace metals and aquatic organisms: a critique of the free-ion activity model, in Metal Speciation and Bioavailability in Aquatic Systems (Eds A. Tessier, D. R. Turner) 1995, vol. 3, pp. 45–102 (Wiley: Chichester, UK).[2] A. Tessier, P. G. C. Campbell, M. Bisson, Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metals Anal. Chem. 1979, 51, 844.
| Sequential extraction procedure for the speciation of particulate trace metalsCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[3] M. Lavoie, S. Le Faucheur, C. Fortin, P. G. C. Campbell, Cadmium detoxification strategies in two phytoplankton species: metal binding by newly synthesized thiolated peptides and metal sequestration in granules Aquat. Toxicol. 2009, 92, 65.
| Cadmium detoxification strategies in two phytoplankton species: metal binding by newly synthesized thiolated peptides and metal sequestration in granulesCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[4] O. Errecalde, M. Seidl, P. G. C. Campbell, Influence of a low molecular weight metabolite (citrate) on the toxicity of cadmium and zinc to the unicellular green alga Selenastrum capricornutum: an exception to the free-ion model Water Res. 1998, 32, 419.
| Influence of a low molecular weight metabolite (citrate) on the toxicity of cadmium and zinc to the unicellular green alga Selenastrum capricornutum: an exception to the free-ion modelCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[5] Y. Couillard, P. G. C. Campbell, A. Tessier, Response of metallothionein concentrations in a fresh-water bivalve (Anodonta grandis) along an environmental cadmium gradient Limnol. Oceanogr. 1993, 38, 299.
| Response of metallothionein concentrations in a fresh-water bivalve (Anodonta grandis) along an environmental cadmium gradientCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[6] P. G. C. Campbell, M. R. Twiss, K. J. Wilkinson, Accumulation of natural organic matter on the surfaces of living cells: implications for the interaction of toxic solutes with aquatic biota Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1997, 54, 2543.
| Accumulation of natural organic matter on the surfaces of living cells: implications for the interaction of toxic solutes with aquatic biotaCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[7] C.-M. Zhao, P. G. C. Campbell, K. J. Wilkinson, When are metal complexes bioavailable? Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 425.
| When are metal complexes bioavailable?Crossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[8] A. Taylor, W. Maher, Developing a sentinel mollusc species for toxicity assessment: metal exposure, dose and response – laboratory v. field exposures and resident organisms Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 434.
| Developing a sentinel mollusc species for toxicity assessment: metal exposure, dose and response – laboratory v. field exposures and resident organismsCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[9] Y. Gopalapillai, B. Hale, Evaluating the concentration addition approach for describing expected toxicity of a ternary metal mixture (Ni, Cu, Cd) using metal speciation and response surface regression Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 447.
| Evaluating the concentration addition approach for describing expected toxicity of a ternary metal mixture (Ni, Cu, Cd) using metal speciation and response surface regressionCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[10] E. Müller, R. Behra, L. Sigg, Toxicity of engineered copper (Cu0) nanoparticles to the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 457.
| Toxicity of engineered copper (Cu0) nanoparticles to the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[11] E. Tipping, S. Lofts, A. Stockdale, Metal speciation from stream to open ocean: modelling v. measurement Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 464.
| Metal speciation from stream to open ocean: modelling v. measurementCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[12] S. Leguay, P. G. C. Campbell, C. Fortin, Determination of the free-ion concentration of rare earth elements by an ion-exchange technique: implementation, evaluation and limits Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 478.
| Determination of the free-ion concentration of rare earth elements by an ion-exchange technique: implementation, evaluation and limitsCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[13] B. M. Angel, S. C. Apte, G. E. Batley, M. D. Raven, Lead solubility in seawater: an experimental study Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 489.
| Lead solubility in seawater: an experimental studyCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[14] T. N. Tait, C. A. Cooper, J. C. McGeer, C. M. Wood, D. S. Smith, Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) source on copper speciation and toxicity to Brachionus plicatilis Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 496.
| Influence of dissolved organic matter (DOM) source on copper speciation and toxicity to Brachionus plicatilisCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[15] R. D. Deese, M. R. LeBlanc, R. L. Cook, Surfactant toxicity to Artemia franciscana and the influence of humic acid and chemical composition Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 507.
| Surfactant toxicity to Artemia franciscana and the influence of humic acid and chemical compositionCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[16] S. A. Norton, G. L. Jacobson, J. Kopáček, T. Navrátil, A comparative study of long-term Hg and Pb sediment archives Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 517.
| A comparative study of long-term Hg and Pb sediment archivesCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |
[17] S. Shao, C. T. Driscoll, C. E. Johnson, T. J. Fahey, J. J. Battles, J. D. Blum, Long-term responses in soil solution and stream-water chemistry at Hubbard Brook after experimental addition of wollastonite Environ. Chem. 2016, 13, 528.
| Long-term responses in soil solution and stream-water chemistry at Hubbard Brook after experimental addition of wollastoniteCrossref | GoogleScholarGoogle Scholar |