The present study examined whether overexpression of TaATG8 enhanced tolerance of wheat seedlings to NaCl stress. TaATG8-overexpressed seedlings showed higher autophagic activity, decreased ROS production, and improved activities of POD, SOD, and CAT under NaCl stress. TaATG8-mediated autophagy inhibited programmed cell death in wheat leaves at the seedling stage during NaCl treatment.

Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 73 Number 12 2022
CP21800Synergistic effects of rice straw and its biochar on availability of phosphorus fertiliser in acidic soils

Fixation of phosphorus is harmful for crop production due to the lower availability of phosphorus, which is greatly affected by the presence of iron and aluminium content in Ultisol and Oxisol. The phosphorus availability is mainly dependent on soil pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved organic matter, and divalent cations of calcium and magnesium. The combined application of rice straw and its biochar would be a cost-effective approach in increasing phosphorus availability due to changes in the soil mentioned above.
CP21376Potential use of random and linked SSR markers in establishing the true heterotic pattern in maize (Zea mays)

Establishment of true heterotic pattern in maize germplasm can increase the efficiency of hybrid breeding, and therefore, it is useful to compare efficiency of SSRs linked to yield-related traits with that of random SSRs for heterotic grouping. Mean performance of inter-heterotic group crosses generated on the basis of random markers was superior to that of intra-heterotic crosses. Specific combining ability effects did not reveal significant association with genetic distance of random or linked markers.
CP22125Similarities and differences of Vicia sativa subspp. sativa and macrocarpa for seed yield and quality
Common vetch (Vicia sativa) and the closely related but neglected/underutilised V. macrocarpa are potential sources of seed feed in dry regions. In a field study of three accessions of each for two growing seasons, no significant differences in seed weight per plant were found, but they differed significantly in seed protein concentration, potassium, manganese, phenolics and resistance to bruchids. Comparison of larger numbers of accessions is necessary for evaluating the potential of V. macrocarpa as a putative source of seed feed.
Phoma black stem and leaf spot (caused by Phoma medicaginis) is a serious disease and stimulates phytoestrogen production in annual medic (Medicago spp.) pastures. This study demonstrated how sequential infections by Australian P. medicaginis isolates, which were genetically similar but differed from overseas isolates, increase production of coumestrol and 4′-O-methyl coumestrol, and the positive relationship between disease level and phytoestrogen production. Sequential inoculations are essential for developing cultivars with superior disease resistance and enhanced animal reproductive outcomes.
CP22098 Abstract | CP22098 Full Text | CP22098PDF (618 KB) Open Access Article
CP21506Assessment of oil quality traits in some important exotic and indigenous collections of Brassica species
The presence of undesirable long chain fatty acids such as erucic acid in the oil of Brassica species makes it unfit for human consumption. This study explored the existence of variation for the oil content and fatty acid composition among Brassica species and genotypes for the creation of new cultivars with an enhanced oil quality. Five promising genotypes were found with low erucic acid and low glucosinolates content (i.e. ‘00’ characteristics).
CP22074Germination behaviour of Avena sterilis subsp. ludoviciana under a range of light and temperature regimes
Wild oats (Avena sterilis subsp. ludoviciana) is one of the major winter weeds of Australia, and has increased in abundance after the adoption of conservation agriculture. This germination study found that maximum emergence can occur during winter crop planting, and can be staggered because of difference in timing of germination between primary and secondary seeds produced by this weed. These characteristics makes A. sterilis difficult to control in conservation agriculture.
CP22074 Abstract | CP22074 Full Text | CP22074PDF (1.4 MB) Open Access Article
CP22088Genetic control of seed dormancy in Lolium rigidum and its association with GA20ox and ABA1 expression
Lolium rigidum is one of the most problematic weeds of cereal crops in southern Australia. Seed dormancy of different L. rigidum populations was analysed, and genes responsible for the control of seed dormancy were identified. Findings from our research enhance understanding of the genes involved in regulating seed dormancy, their expression over time, and how loss of dormancy is associated with changes in gene expression.
CP22118Selection for seed dormancy within Bromus diandrus populations alters ABA1 and GA20ox gene expression
Bromus diandrus is a serious weed of cereal crops in South Australia and is responsible for significant yield decline in wheat. Seed dormancy of different B. diandrus populations analysed for 3 years revealed genetic variation, and genes responsible for the control of seed dormancy were identified. The findings improve understanding of the genes involved in regulating seed dormancy, their expression over time, and how loss of dormancy is associated with changes in the gene expression.
CP22080Production aspects of hay of tropical pasture of Urochloa brizantha, Megathyrsus maximus and Andropogon gayanus: forage mass yield characteristics, evaluation of losses, dehydration and nutritional value of hays

This manuscript contains information regarding the production, agronomic, nutritional and physiological characteristics of hay from forage grasses commonly used in pasture. The rate at which pasture grass genotypes lose water soluble carbohydrates during hay production was low, and the haymaking process did not cause losses in the degradation of dry matter, neutral detergent fibre and crude protein. The evaluated pasture grass genotypes of grasses commonly used as pasture have potential and can be used for haymaking.