Australian Journal of Chemistry
Volume 27 Number 3 1974
CH9740477Solvation of ions. XIX. Thermodynamic properties for transfer of single ions between protic and dipolar aprotic solvents
BG Cox, GR Hedwig, AJ Parker and DW Watts
pp. 477-501
CH9740503Crystal structure of Hexakis(hydroxylamine-N)nickel(II) sulphate
LM Engelhardt, PWG Newman, CL Raston and AH White
pp. 503-507
CH9740509Donor properties of 2-aminothiazole and 2-acetylaminothiazole towards cobalt(II) halides
PP Singh and AK Srivastava
pp. 509-515
CH9740517Studies on diterpenes from genus Sideritis. XIII. Two new stachene derivatives from Sideritis angustifolia (Labiatae)
Carstenn-Lichterfelde C von, S Valverde and B Rodriguez
pp. 517-529
CH9740531The reaction of amines with conjugated dienes in the presence of alkali naphthalenide. A new synthesis of geranyl acetate
T Fujita, K Suga and S Watanabe
pp. 531-535
CH9740537 Synthesis of an arylhydroxytetronimide and of 3-Hydroxy-4(1H)-quinolone derivatives
DJ Evans and FW Eastwood
pp. 537-542
CH9740543Synthesis of exo- and endo-2,3,3-Trimethylnorbornane-2-carboxylic acid
GE Gream and CF Pincombe
pp. 543-565
CH9740567The camphenehydro (methylcamphenilyl) and isobornyl (bornyl) cations. I. Generation of the enantiomeric cations by the π- and σ-routes of solvolysis
GE Gream, D Wege and M Mular
pp. 567-587
CH9740589The camphenehydro (methylcamphenilyl) and isobornyl (bornyl) cations. II. Anodic oxidations of carboxylic acids
GE Gream and CF Pincombe
pp. 589-602
CH9740603The camphenehydro (methylcamphenilyl) and isobornyl (bornyl) cations. III. Oxidative decarboxylation of carboxylic acids with lead tetraacetate
GE Gream, CF Pincombe and D Wege
pp. 603-628
CH9740629The 9-Decalyl and related cations. II. Acetolysis of 3-(2'-Methylenecyclohexyl)propyl derivatives
GE Gream and AK Serelis
pp. 629-638
CH9740639Psychotridine, a C55H62N10 Alkaloid From Psychotria beccarioides (Rubiaceae)
N Hart, S Johns, J Lamberton and R Summons
pp. 639-646
CH9740647Thermodynamic properties of liquid mixtures: Selection of the pure liquid parameter
DV Fenby and NF Pasco
pp. 647-651
CH9740653Crystal structure of collinsite
PD Brotherton, EN Maslen, MW Pryce and AH White
pp. 653-656
CH9740657Crystal structure of 'calcium sulphosilicate', Ca5(SiO4)2SO4
PD Brotherton, JM Epstein, MW Pryce and AH White
pp. 657-660
CH9740661The influence of π-bonding and steric factors on helahalogeno-metallates
JE Fergusson and PF Heveldt
pp. 661-663
CH9740671The products of pyrolysis of the 2- and 3-dimethylaminomethylindoles at 820°
RFC Brown, N Hooley and FN Irvine
pp. 671-674
CH9740679Reactions of ethylene oxides. VI. The mechanism of formation of dioxolans from acetone and 6-t-Butyl-1-oxaspiro[2,5]octanes
JM Coxon, MP Hartshorn and BLS Sutherland
pp. 679-683
CH9740685Aluminium chloride catalysed reactions of cinnamoyl chloride with naphthalene, phenanthrene, chrysene and pyrene
HJ Williams and RG Shotter
pp. 685-689