Australian Mammalogy
Volume 36 Number 1 2014
Amy R. F. Bond and Darryl N. Jones
pp. 1-14
AM13006Camera traps provide insight into factors influencing trap success of the swamp wallaby, Wallabia bicolor
Ami Bennett and Graeme Coulson
pp. 15-20
AM13003Aspects of the ecology of the kalubu bandicoot (Echymipera kalubu) and observations on Raffray’s bandicoot (Peroryctes raffrayanus), Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
Richard J. Cuthbert and Matthew J. H. Denny
pp. 21-28
AM13025Activity patterns and roosting of the eastern blossom-bat (Syconycteris australis)
Rebecca L. Drury and Fritz Geiser
pp. 29-34
AM13007Does woodland condition influence the diversity and abundance of small mammal communities?
T. L. Moore, L. E. Valentine, M. D. Craig, G. E. St J. Hardy and P. A. Fleming
pp. 35-44
AM12046Ecology and movement of urban koalas adjacent to linear infrastructure in coastal south-east Queensland
S. M. de Oliveira, P. J. Murray, D. L. de Villiers and G. S. Baxter
pp. 45-54
AM13012Horizontal or vertical? Camera trap orientations and recording modes for detecting potoroos, bandicoots and pademelons
Brendan D. Taylor, Ross L. Goldingay and John M. Lindsay
pp. 60-66
AM13010A vertical bait station for black rats (Rattus rattus) that reduces bait take by a sympatric native rodent
Frances Zewe, Paul Meek, Hugh Ford and Karl Vernes
pp. 67-73
AM12049Home range areas of koalas in an urban area of north-east New South Wales
Ross L. Goldingay and Barbara Dobner
pp. 74-80
AM13033Faecal particle size and tooth wear of the koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
William Ellis, Rachael Attard, Stephen Johnston, Peter Theileman, Allan McKinnon and David Booth
pp. 90-94
AM13029Surviving in the south: a recent incursion of the agile wallaby (Macropus agilis) in Tasmania
Matthew Pauza, Jim Richley, Sue Robinson and Simon Fearn
pp. 95-98
AM13017Monitoring of small mammal populations in the Brindabella Ranges after fire
Micah J. Davies and Alex Drew
pp. 103-107
AM13011Observations of breeding behaviour and possible infanticide in a wild population of Tasmanian echidnas (Tachyglossus aculeatus setosus)
Rachel L. Harris and Stewart C. Nicol
pp. 108-112
AM13011 Abstract | AM13011 Full Text | AM13011PDF (444 KB) | AM13011Supplementary Material (20.5 MB)
AM13031Detecting burrows and trapping for mulgaras (Dasycercus cristicauda and D. blythi) can be difficult
Graham G. Thompson and Scott A. Thompson
pp. 116-120
AM13023The Mark II Bromilow Kinnear humane soft trap: a major upgrade
J. E. Kinnear, R. N. Bromilow and N. Moore
pp. 121-127
AM13037Long-nosed potoroo (Potorous tridactylus) behaviour and handling times when foraging for buried truffles
Karl Vernes and Peter Jarman
pp. 128-130