International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 19 Number 1 2010
WF08001Comparing selected fire regime condition class (FRCC) and LANDFIRE vegetation model results with tree-ring data
Tyson L. Swetnam and Peter M. Brown
pp. 1-13
WF08104Spatial and temporal characteristics of wildfires in Mississippi, USA
Katarzyna Grala and William H. Cooke
pp. 14-28
WF08124Assessing ignition probability and moisture of extinction in a Mediterranean grass fuel
A. P. Dimitrakopoulos, I. D. Mitsopoulos and K. Gatoulas
pp. 29-34
WF08167The effect of fuel age on the spread of fire in sclerophyll forest in the Sydney region of Australia
Owen F. Price and Ross A. Bradstock
pp. 35-45
WF08202Fire severity in a northern Australian savanna landscape: the importance of time since previous fire
Brett P. Murphy and Jeremy Russell-Smith
pp. 46-51
WF08200Repeated disturbance through chaining and burning differentially affects recruitment among plant functional types in fire-prone heathlands
Carl R. Gosper, Suzanne M. Prober and Colin J. Yates
pp. 52-62
WF08137The development of fire-induced damage functions for forest recreation activity in Alberta, Canada
Michael Rausch, Peter C. Boxall and Arunas P. Verbyla
pp. 63-74
WF08078Monitoring post-wildfire vegetation response with remotely sensed time-series data in Spain, USA and Israel
Willem J. D. van Leeuwen, Grant M. Casady, Daniel G. Neary, Susana Bautista, José Antonio Alloza, Yohay Carmel, Lea Wittenberg, Dan Malkinson and Barron J. Orr
pp. 75-93
WF07129Use of linguistic estimates and vegetation indices to assess post-fire vegetation regrowth in woodland areas
Carol R. Jacobson
pp. 94-103
WF08170Applying LiDAR technology for tree measurements in burned landscapes
Michael G. Wing, Aaron Eklund and John Sessions
pp. 104-114
WF07109Delaying sheep grazing after wildfire in sagebrush steppe may not affect vegetation recovery
Lovina Roselle, Steven S. Seefeldt and Karen Launchbaugh
pp. 115-122
WF08064Integrating values and risk perceptions into a decision support system
Barbara J. Morehouse, Sara O'Brien, Gary Christopherson and Peter Johnson
pp. 123-136
WF08168Trust, acceptance, and citizen–agency interactions after large fires: influences on planning processes
Christine S. Olsen and Bruce A. Shindler
pp. 137-147
WF02024_COCorrigendum to: Assessing canopy fuel stratum characteristics in crown fire prone fuel types of western North America
Miguel G. Cruz, Martin E. Alexander and Ronald H. Wakimoto
pp. iii-iii