Prescribed fire increases forage mineral content in grazed rangeland
Megan R. Wanchuk A , Devan Allen McGranahan
Sustainable rangeland management balances production and conservation. While a broad literature describesthe conservation benefits of prescribed fire, benefits for livestock production have emerged more slowly. Mineral nutrition is important for livestock health and performance, but the impact of prescribed fire on mineral concentration of forages, especially in the northern US Great Plains, remains unknown.
We investigated how burning affects the mineral concentration of forage early and late in the growing season.
Data were collected on mixed-grass prairie in south-central North Dakota, USA. Vegetation was clipped from recently burned, 1 year post-fire, 2 years post-fire, and not-yet-burned patches at the same sampling points in spring and late summer. Samples were analysed for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc concentration.
Burning increased forage mineral concentration across most minerals. Phosphorous, potassium, copper and zinc were higher in burned areas in late spring and summer; calcium, magnesium and manganese were only higher during the late summer; Late-season iron levels increased with time since fire.
Prescribed fire has a positive effect on forage mineral content.
Prescribed fire has the potential to reduce mineral supplementation costs and improve cow performance.
Keywords: beef cattle, fire-grazing interaction, forage nutritive value, grassland fire management, livestock nutrition, mixed-grass prairie, pyric herbivory, rangeland management.
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