Microbiology Australia
Volume 35 Number 3 2014
Microbial Diseases and Products that Shaped World History
MA14049Early developments in New Zealand Microbiology
John Tagg, Frank Austin, Terry Maguire and Sandy Smith
pp. 124-126
MA14048Impact of the 1918–19 influenza pandemic on the New Zealand Military and persisting lessons for pandemic control
Nick Wilson, Jennifer Summers and Michael G Baker
pp. 138-140
MA14050The Gallipoli gallop: dealing with dysentery on the ‘fringes of hell’
Steve Flint, Glyn Harper and Nick Wilson
pp. 147-143
MA14051Losses related to infectious diseases in the Turkish army during World War I
Sadık Emre Karakuş and Ahmet C. Başustaoğlu
pp. 144-147
MA14055The fight against typhus in the Ottoman Army during WWI
Ahmet C. Başustaoğlu and Sadık Emre Karakuş
pp. 148-152
MA14043The global eradication of smallpox and the work of Frank Fenner
CR Robert George and William Rawlinson
pp. 165-168
MA14056History of tuberculosis and tuberculosis control program in Turkey
Cengiz Çavuşoğlu
pp. 169-173