Journal of Primary Health Care
Volume 2 Number 4 2010
HC10268Digital monitoring by whole body photography and sequential digital dermoscopy detects thinner melanomas
Marius Rademaker and Amanda Oakley
pp. 268-272
HC10273Review of registration requirements for new part-time doctors in New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada
Sharon Leitch and Susan Dovey
pp. 273-280
HC10281Appetite for life: an evaluation of a primary care lifestyle programme
Liz Cutler, Bronwen King, Nicky McCarthy, Greg Hamilton and Lynley Cook
pp. 281-287
HC10288The Flinders Programme of Chronic Condition Self-Management in New Zealand: survey findings
Margaret Horsburgh, Janine Bycroft, Felicity Goodyear-Smith, Dianne Roy, Faith Mahony, Erin Donnell and Denise Miller
pp. 288-293
HC10294The feasibility of assessing the Flinders Programme of Patient Self-Management in New Zealand primary care settings
Margaret Horsburgh, Janine Bycroft, Faith Mahony, Dianne Roy, Denise Miller, Felicity Goodyear-Smith and Erin Donnell
pp. 294-302
HC10303How do newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes in the Waikato get their diabetes education?
Ross Lawrenson, Grace Joshy, Yoska Eerens and Wayne Johnstone
pp. 303-310
HC10311'Going-to-have-cancerness': a study of living with increased risk of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations for six South Island women
Raewyn Crump, Ruth Fitzgerald and Michael Legge
pp. 311-317
HC10323Influenza H1N1 2009 in Canterbury: a case study in pandemic response co-ordination
Daniel Williams, Annabel Begg, Kim Burgess, Michele Hider, Lance Jennings, Mary Martin-Smith, Paul McCormack, Jon Mitchell, Alan Pithie, Phil Schroeder and Anja Wermo
pp. 323-329
HC10336bCocharane Corner: Spironolactone (when all else fails) in hypertension
Bruce Arroll
pp. 336-336
HC10338Viewpoint: Primary health care funding for children under six years of age in New Zealand: why is this so hard?
Nicholas Fancourt, Nikki Turner, M Innes Asher and Tony Dowell
pp. 338-342
HC10348aBook Review: Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 3rd edition, by Cynthia Farquhar and Helen Roberts
Reviewer: John Wilcox
pp. 348-348
HC10348bBook Review: Health Care and the Law, edited by Rebecca Keenan
Reviewer: John Kennelly
pp. 348-349
HC10349Book Review: A Bitter Pill: How the Medical System is Failing the Elderly, by John Sloan
Reviewer: Bruce Arroll
pp. 349-349