Journal of Primary Health Care
Volume 2 Number 3 2010
HC10180Guest Editorial: Are we ready for the big one? Lessons from a brief war that could apply to New Zealand primary health care services following a major disaster
Barry Parsonson and JaneMary Rawls
pp. 180-182
HC10183Relationship between decile score of secondary school, the size of town of origin and career intentions of New Zealand medical students
Clinton Mitchell, Boaz Shulruf and Phillippa Poole
pp. 183-189
HC10190HPV/cervical cancer vaccination: parental preferences on age, place and information needs
Sally Rose, Beverley Lawton, Tolotea Lanumata, Merilyn Hibma and Michael Baker
pp. 190-198
HC10199Increasing the uptake of opportunistic chlamydia screening: a pilot study in general practice
Beverley Lawton, Sally Rose, C Raina Elley, Collette Bromhead, E Jane MacDonald and Michael Baker
pp. 199-207
HC10208General practitioners' views about diagnosing and treating depression in Maori and non-Maori patients
David Thomas, Brooke Arlidge, Bruce Arroll and Hinemoa Elder
pp. 208-216
HC10217Perspectives on adherence to blood pressure–lowering medications among Samoan patients: qualitative interviews
Kuinileti Chang Wai, C Raina Elley, Vili Nosa, John Kennelly, Thusitha Mabotuwana and Jim Warren
pp. 217-224
HC10225General practitioner perceptions of clinical medication reviews undertaken by community pharmacists
Linda Bryant, Gregor Coster and Ross McCormick
pp. 225-233
HC10234Community pharmacist perceptions of clinical medication reviews
Linda Bryant, Gregor Coster and Ross McCormick
pp. 234-242
HC10243Reducing health didparities for low decile children and families: a nurse-led response
Catrina Riley and Ruth Crawford
pp. 243-248
HC10259aBook Review: Herbs and Natural Supplements: An Evidence-based Guide, 3rd edition, edited by L Braun and M Cohen
Reviewer: Felicity Goodyear-Smith
pp. 259-259