Respiratory research with Māori and Pacific children living in Aotearoa, New Zealand: a systematic review and narrative synthesis
Amio Matenga-Ikihele

Improving the respiratory health of Māori and Pacific children in Aotearoa, New Zealand is a priority. Respiratory studies over the past decade have continued to highlight the ongoing inequities among Māori and Pacific children.
This systematic review aimed to explore the characteristics of respiratory research with Māori and Pacific children (0–14 years) living in New Zealand. Research objectives were to evaluate the types of study designs used, summarise participant demographics including ethnicity and evaluate whether culturally relevant frameworks were incorporated.
Studies were located across four databases: Medline, EBSCOHost, Scopus and PubMed, from 2010 to 2022. To qualify, studies needed to include (1) Māori or (2) Pacific children aged (3) 0–14 years and (4) describe a respiratory research project conducted in New Zealand. A narrative synthesis of the studies meeting the inclusion criteria was performed.
Of the 539 studies identified, 29 met the inclusion criteria. Most studies were retrospective cohort studies with respiratory conditions focused mainly on asthma, group A streptococcus and lower respiratory tract infections. Four studies were qualitative, and only 2 of the 29 studies reported using a Kaupapa Māori framework.
Despite the increased attention to the respiratory health of Māori and Pacific children, there is a lack of research on the lived experiences of whānau and their children who endure these conditions. Few studies incorporated culturally relevant approaches. Further research that incorporates culturally responsive approaches is urgently needed to enhance ourunderstanding of Māori and Pacific child respiratory health and to advance health equity.
Keywords: children, cultural frameworks, Māori health, Pacific health, respiratory conditions.
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