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Journal of Primary Health Care Journal of Primary Health Care Society
Journal of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Large increase in opportunistic testing for chlamydia during a pilot project in a primary health organisation

Sunita Azariah, Stephen McKernon and Suzanne Werder

Journal of Primary Health Care 5(2) 141 - 145
Published: 2013


INTRODUCTION: The Auckland chlamydia pilot project was one of three funded by the Ministry of Health to trial implementation of the 2008 Chlamydia Management Guidelines. Chlamydia is the most commonly notified sexually transmitted infection in New Zealand. AIM: To increase opportunistic testing in under-25-year-olds and to improve documentation of partner notification in primary care. METHODS: A four-month pilot was initiated in Total Healthcare Otara using a nurse-led approach. Laboratory testing data was analysed to assess whether the pilot had any impact on chlamydia testing volumes in the target age-group. Data entered in the practice management system was used to assess follow-up and management of chlamydia cases. RESULTS: During the pilot there was a 300% increase in the number of chlamydia tests in the target age-group from 812 to 2410 and the number of male tests increased by nearly 500%. Twenty-four percent of people tested were positive for chlamydia, with no significant difference in prevalence by ethnicity. The pilot resulted in better documentation of patient follow-up in the patient management system. DISCUSSION: There was a large increase in chlamydia testing during the pilot with a high prevalence found in the population tested. Chlamydia remains an important health problem in New Zealand. The cost benefit of increased chlamydia screening at a population level has yet to be established. KEYWORDS: Chlamydia; notification, partner; pilot project; prevalence; primary health care

© CSIRO 2013

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