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Journal of Primary Health Care Journal of Primary Health Care Society
Journal of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Does a clinical guideline change chlamydia testing? Report from the Waikato Chlamydia Project

Jane Morgan, Andre Donnell and Anita Bell

Journal of Primary Health Care 4(1) 45 - 51
Published: 2012


BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT: Waikato District Health Board was one of three districts chosen to implement a national chlamydia management guideline, with the aim of optimising testing and treatment. Previous New Zealand studies suggest any test increases associated with such an intervention may be short-lived. ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEM: District-wide chlamydia test volumes were compared for three periods, before (June–Nov 2008), during (June–Nov 2009) and after (June–Nov 2010) guideline implementation by age, gender and ethnicity. Crude estimates of population test uptake were calculated. Azithromycin pharmacy claim volumes were assessed as a measure of treatment. RESULTS: Chlamydia test uptake for women was already high, with 23% of 15- to 24-year-old women tested during the period from June to November 2008. Although tests from under-25-year-olds increased during implementation in 2009, the change was not significant and was not sustained in 2010, p=0.06. Similarly, there were no significant sustained changes by gender or ethnicity following implementation. STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT: This includes a continued emphasis on optimal chlamydia case finding and treatment by focusing on those at greater risk of infection. Efforts to improve partner notification should be instigated which may in turn better engage men around sexual health. LESSONS: Local data should be used to identify local issues. There is a need to determine whether <25 years is the optimal age threshold for targeted chlamydia testing in New Zealand and to ensure appropriate resources, training and support are in place for primary care nurses who play a pivotal role in sexual health care delivery. Keywords: Chlamydia trachomatis; mass screening; practice guidelines; primary health care; contact tracing

© CSIRO 2012

Committee on Publication Ethics

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