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Journal of Primary Health Care Journal of Primary Health Care Society
Journal of The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners

Why don’t patients with diagnosed diabetes attend a free ‘Get Checked’ annual review?

Tesa Porter, Clem Le Lièvre and Ross Lawrenson

Journal of Primary Health Care 1(3) 222 - 225
Published: 2009


Introduction : A key strategy for improving the management of patients with diabetes is the provision of a free annual review ‘Get Checked’. Although it is known that certain patients do not attend these free reviews, little is known about the barriers. METHODS: A group of patients with diabetes who had not attended an annual review in the previous two years were identified and sent questionnaires asking about the barriers to attending. Non-respondents where followed up with a telephone call. Barriers were thematically analysed. FINDINGS: 26/68 patients identified patients responded (38%). Key issues identified included difficulty with transport, conflict with work and lack of motivation. There were differences in responses between Maori and non-Maori. CONCLUSION: Recommendations include more emphasis in recognising Maori tikanga (culture), more flexible provision of services to allow working patients to attend and increased emphasis on reminders for patients. KEYW ORDS: Diabetes mellitus; Maori; family practice; barriers

© CSIRO 2009

Committee on Publication Ethics

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