Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 41 Number 7 2001
Producing and Processing Quality Beef from Australian Cattle Herds
EA00067Genesis of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Cattle and Beef Industry: integration of resources for beef quality research (1993-2000)
EA00067 Abstract | EA00067PDF (411 KB) Open Access Article
EA00065Consumer sensory requirements for beef and their implications for the Australian beef industry
EA00065 Abstract | EA00065PDF (189 KB) Open Access Article
EA01052Cattle supply, production systems and markets for Australian beef
EA01052 Abstract | EA01052PDF (340 KB) Open Access Article
EA00022Factors affecting beef palatability — farmgate to chilled carcass
EA00022 Abstract | EA00022PDF (247 KB) Open Access Article
EA00015Quantitative and molecular genetic influences on properties of beef: a review
EA00015 Abstract | EA00015PDF (316 KB) Open Access Article
EA00029Nutritional and developmental effects on the intrinsic properties of muscles as they relate to the eating quality of beef
EA00029 Abstract | EA00029PDF (329 KB) Open Access Article
EA00064CRC breeding program design, measurements and database: methods that underpin CRC research results
EA00064 Abstract | EA00064PDF (297 KB) Open Access Article
EA00092Methods used in the CRC program for the determination of carcass yield and beef quality
EA00092 Abstract | EA00092PDF (192 KB) Open Access Article
EA00096Post-weaning growth of cattle in northern New South Wales. 1. Grazing value of temperate perennial pasture grazed by cattle
EA00096 Abstract | EA00096PDF (250 KB) Open Access Article
EA00094Post-weaning growth of cattle in northern New South Wales. 2. Growth pathways of steers
EA00094 Abstract | EA00094PDF (285 KB) Open Access Article
EA00023Relationship between objective measurements and taste panel assessment of beef quality
EA00023 Abstract | EA00023PDF (214 KB) Open Access Article
EA00018Sources of variation in mechanical shear force measures of tenderness in beef from tropically adapted genotypes, effects of data editing and their implications for genetic parameter estimation
EA00018 Abstract | EA00018PDF (199 KB) Open Access Article
EA00039Genetic and environmental influences on beef tenderness
EA00039 Abstract | EA00039PDF (211 KB) Open Access Article
EA00017The prediction of retail beef yield from real time ultrasound measurements on live animals at three stages through growout and finishing
EA00017 Abstract | EA00017PDF (202 KB) Open Access Article
EA00024Meat quality and the calpain system of feedlot steers following a single generation of divergent selection for residual feed intake
EA00024 Abstract | EA00024PDF (233 KB) Open Access Article
EA00025Environmental effects on the fatty acid composition of subcutaneous beef fat
EA00025 Abstract | EA00025PDF (214 KB) Open Access Article
EA00016Sustained growth promotion, carcass and meat quality of steers slaughtered at three liveweights
EA00016 Abstract | EA00016PDF (216 KB) Open Access Article
EA00093Post-weaning growth of cattle in northern New South Wales. 3. Carry-over effects on finishing, carcass characteristics and intramuscular fat
EA00093 Abstract | EA00093PDF (217 KB) Open Access Article
EA00027Associations between immune system, growth and carcass variables in cattle
EA00027 Abstract | EA00027PDF (204 KB) Open Access Article
EA00040Improving estimates of weight gain and residual feed intake by adjusting for the amount of feed eaten before weighing
EA00040 Abstract | EA00040PDF (211 KB) Open Access Article
EA00095Body composition and implications for heat production of Angus steer progeny of parents selected for and against residual feed intake
EA00095 Abstract | EA00095PDF (209 KB) Open Access Article
EA00066Communication, education and training strategies to deliver CRC outcomes to beef industry stakeholders
EA00066 Abstract | EA00066PDF (449 KB) Open Access Article
EA01004International significance of Australian research on beef quality - a view from the periphery
EA01004 Abstract | EA01004PDF (236 KB) Open Access Article