Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 48 Number 4 2008
Sustainable Pastures in Marginal Environments
EA07105The search for new pasture plants to achieve more sustainable production systems in southern Australia
B. S. Dear and M. A. Ewing
pp. 387-396
EA07106The systematic collection and characterisation of herbaceous forage species for recharge and discharge environments in southern Australia
S. J. Hughes, R. Snowball, K. F. M. Reed, B. Cohen, K. Gajda, A. R. Williams and S. L. Groeneweg
pp. 397-408
EA07135Field evaluation of perennial grasses and herbs in southern Australia. 1. Establishment and herbage production
K. F. M. Reed, Z. N. Nie, S. Miller, B. F. Hackney, S. P. Boschma, M. L. Mitchell, T. O. Albertsen, G. A. Moore, S. G. Clark, A. D. Craig, G. Kearney, G. D. Li and B. S. Dear
pp. 409-423
EA07136Field evaluation of perennial grasses and herbs in southern Australia. 2. Persistence, root characteristics and summer activity
Z. N. Nie, S. Miller, G. A. Moore, B. F. Hackney, S. P. Boschma, K. F. M. Reed, M. Mitchell, T. O. Albertsen, S. Clark, A. D. Craig, G. Kearney, G. D. Li and B. S. Dear
pp. 424-435
EA07107Novel Festuca arundinacea Shreb. and Dactylis glomerata L. germplasm to improve adaptation for marginal environments
C. A. Harris, S. G. Clark, K. F. M. Reed, Z. N. Nie and K. F. Smith
pp. 436-448
EA07108Evaluation of perennial pasture legumes and herbs to identify species with high herbage production and persistence in mixed farming zones in southern Australia
G. D. Li, G. M. Lodge, G. A. Moore, A. D. Craig, B. S. Dear, S. P. Boschma, T. O. Albertsen, S. M. Miller, S. Harden, R. C. Hayes, S. J. Hughes, R. Snowball, A. B. Smith and B. C. Cullis
pp. 449-466
EA07109Prospects for three Dorycnium species as forage plants in agricultural systems: a review of their agronomic characteristics
Lindsay W. Bell, Megan H. Ryan, Mike A. Ewing, Geoff A. Moore and Peter A. Lane
pp. 467-479
EA07110Waterlogging tolerance and recovery of 10 Lotus species
Daniel Real, Jonathan Warden, Graeme A. Sandral and Timothy D. Colmer
pp. 480-487
EA07114Developing birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) varieties for permanent pasture applications in low latitude regions of eastern Australia
J. F. Ayres, W. M. Kelman, S. G. Wiedemann, L. A. Lane and B. E. McCorkell
pp. 488-498
EA07137Tolerance of aluminium toxicity in annual Medicago species and lucerne
B. J. Scott, M. A. Ewing, R. Williams, A. W. Humphries and N. E. Coombes
pp. 499-511
EA07138Improving lucerne nodulation at low pH: contribution of rhizobial and plant genotype to the nodulation of lucerne seedlings growing in solution culture at pH 5
N. Charman, R. A. Ballard, A. W. Humphries and G. C. Auricht
pp. 512-517
EA07167Production and persistence of annual pasture legumes at five saline sites in southern Australia
P. G. H. Nichols, A. D. Craig, M. E. Rogers, T. O. Albertsen, S. M. Miller, D. R. McClements, S. J. Hughes, M. F. D'Antuono and B. S. Dear
pp. 518-535
EA07168Production and persistence of temperate perennial grasses and legumes at five saline sites in southern Australia
P. G. H. Nichols, M. E. Rogers, A. D. Craig, T. O. Albertsen, S. M. Miller, D. R. McClements, S. J. Hughes, M. F. D'Antuono and B. S. Dear
pp. 536-552
EA07115Herbage mass and persistence of pasture legumes and grasses at two potentially different saline and waterlogging sites in northern New South Wales
S. P. Boschma, G. M. Lodge and S. Harden
pp. 553-567
EA07117An environmental weed risk assessment model for Australian forage improvement programs
Lynley M. Stone, Margaret Byrne and John G. Virtue
pp. 568-574
EA07151Trangie wallaby grass [Austrodanthonia caespitosa (Gaudich.) H.P. Linder]
C. Waters, B. Dear, B. Hackney, P. Jessop and G. Melville
pp. 575-577
EA07118Outcomes of the search for new perennial and salt tolerant pasture plants for southern Australia
B. S. Dear, K.F. M. Reed and A. D. Craig
pp. 578-588