Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Volume 48 Number 3 2008
Water to Gold
EA06090Managing climate risks in Australia: options for water policy and irrigation management
Shahbaz Khan
pp. 265-273
EA06094On-farm measurement of the water use and productivity of maize
K. L. Greenwood, G. N. Mundy and K. B. Kelly
pp. 274-284
EA06093Maize productivity in southern New South Wales under furrow and pressurised irrigation
C. J. O'Neill, E. Humphreys, J. Louis and A. Katupitiya
pp. 285-295
EA06103Analysis of high yielding maize production – a study based on a commercial crop
C. J. Birch, G. McLean and A. Sawers
pp. 296-303
EA06092Evaluation of strategies for increasing irrigation water productivity of maize in southern New South Wales using the MaizeMan model
E. Humphreys, R. J. G. White, D. J. Smith and D. C. Godwin
pp. 304-312
EA06108Optimising maize plant population and irrigation strategies on the Darling Downs using the APSIM crop simulation model
A. S. Peake, M. J. Robertson and R. J. Bidstrup
pp. 313-325
EA06104Reliability of production of quick to medium maturity maize in areas of variable rainfall in north-east Australia
C. J. Birch, K. Stephen, G. McLean, A. Doherty, G. L. Hammer and M. J. Robertson
pp. 326-334
EA06105Architectural modelling of maize under water stress
Colin J. Birch, David Thornby, Steve Adkins, Bruno Andrieu and Jim Hanan
pp. 335-341
EA06096Risk management for mycotoxin contamination of Australian maize
L. K. Bricknell, B. J. Blaney and J. Ng
pp. 342-350
EA06095Managing mycotoxins in maize: case studies
B. J. Blaney, K. K'Keeffe and L. K. Bricknell
pp. 351-357
EA06101Modelling climatic risks of aflatoxin contamination in maize
Y. S. Chauhan, G. C. Wright and N. C. Rachaputi
pp. 358-366
EA06091The Pythium–Fusarium root disease complex – an emerging constraint to irrigated maize in southern New South Wales
P. R. Harvey, R. A. Warren and S. Wakelin
pp. 367-374
EA06099Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from irrigated maize and their significance in the value chain
Tim Grant and Tom Beer
pp. 375-381
EA06098Soil nitrogen dynamics in irrigated maize systems as impacted on by nitrogen and stubble management
R. B. Edis, D. Chen, G. Wang, D. A. Turner, K. Park, M. Meyer and C. Kirkby
pp. 382-386