Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 26 Number 1 1973
BI9730035Stomatal Role in the Variability of Net Co2 Exchange Rates by Two Maize Inbreds
RM Gifford and RB Musgrave
pp. 35-44
BI9730045Stress Metabolism I. Nitrogen Metabolism and Growth in the Barley Plant During Water Stress
TN Singh, IG Paleg and D Aspinall
pp. 45-56
BI9730057Stress Metabolism II. Changes in Proline Concentration in Excised Plant Tissues
TN Singh, D Aspinall, LG Paleg and SF Boggess
pp. 57-64
BI9730065Stress Metabolism III. Variations in Response to Water Deficit in the Barley Plant
TN Singh, IG Paleg and D Aspinall
pp. 65-76
BI9730087A Study of the Interaction of Cold Stress, Age, and Phosphorus Nutrition on the Development of Lotononis Bainesii Baker
CT Gates, KP Haydock and WT Williams
pp. 87-104
BI9730105Further Evidence for the Presence of an Endogenous Gonadotrophin-Like Plant Factor, "Phytotrophin": Isolation and Mechanism of Action of the Active principle
A Shomer-Ilan, RR Avtallon and Y Leshem
pp. 105-112
BI9730113The effects of a plant-growth retardant, phosfon, on mammalian lipid metabolism in vivo
JR Sabine, IG Paleg and TJ Douglas
pp. 113-122
BI9730123Studies on lolium multiflorum endosperm in tissue culture I. Nutrition
M MeryI Smith and BA Stone
pp. 123-134
BI9730151Observations on the Origin and Nature of Verticillium Dahliae Colonizing Plant Roots
G Evans and AC Gleeson
pp. 151-162
BI9730163Phytophthora and Pythium Spp. From Pine Plantations in South Australia
EM Davison and M Bumbieris
pp. 163-170
BI9730201The Effect of Actinomycin D on The Binding of Tritiated Oestradiol by the Vagina of the Ovariectomized Mouse
GM Stone and Irina Pollard
pp. 201-208
BI9730219Deep Freezing of Boar Semen I. Effects of Diluent Composition, Protective Agents, and Method of Thawing on Survival of Spermatozoa
S Salamon, I Wilmut and C Polge
pp. 219-230
BI9730249The Influence of Abomasal and Intravenous Supplements of Sulphur-Containing Amino Acids on Wool Growth Rate
PJ Reis, DA Tunks and AM Downes
pp. 249-258
BI9730259The Sweat Glands and Hair Follicles of Asian, African, and South American Cattle
D Mcewan jenkinson and T Nay
pp. 259-276
BI9730281Effect of Sulphur Dioxide on the Metabolism of Glycollic Acid by Barley (Hordeum Vulgare) Leaves
DJ Spedding and WJ Thomas
pp. 281-286