Australian Mammalogy
Volume 1 Numbers 2 & 3 1974
Special IssueSymposium: Australian Mammalogy – A status report
AM74010Southern biogeography on the basis of continental drift: a review.
J. M. B. Smith
pp. 213-229
AM74012Thermoregulation in the Parma wallaby, Macropus parma (Marsupialia: Macropodidae).
R. L. Wallis and E. H. M. Ealey
pp. 243-249
AM74004Sea lions and fur seals of Australia and New Zealand - the growth of knowledge.
B. J. Marlow and J. E. King
pp. 117-135
AM74013Distress vocalizations of young of the red kangaroo, Megaleia rufa (Marsupialia: Macropodidae).
E. M. Russell and D. G. Nicholls
pp. 251-254
AM74014The behaviour of marsupials III. The shortnosed bandicoot, Isoodon macrourus (Peramelidae), in the open field.
B. Day, R. Kirkby and D. Stenhouse
pp. 255-259