The APPEA Journal has been documenting the pulse of the Australian upstream petroleum industry since its first publication in 1961. It is recognised in the upstream oil and gas industry as Australia’s leading peer-reviewed publication for information on geoscience, engineering and business management.

The APPEA Journal
Volume 63 2023
AJ22219The Walloon Coal Measures resource density: how low can we go?
AJ22106Quantitative self-verification, a breakthrough in ultrasonic metering technology
AJ22144Modelling and 3D printing of a random porous media using iterative function system fractals
AJ22270Mercury in natural gas: delivering accurate reservoir sampling and analysis
AJ22270 Abstract | AJ22270 Full Text | AJ22270PDF (2.7 MB) Open Access Article
AJ22118Electrodialysis Membrane Technology applied to MEG reclamation – a case study
AJ22271Designing out fabric maintenance on a new offshore development using safety principles
AJ22116Technology review of the Northern Bowen and Galilee basins
AJ22116 Abstract | AJ22116 Full Text | AJ22116PDF (8.4 MB) | AJ22116Supplementary Material (PDF 1.1 MB) Open Access Article
AJ22231An automated and universal approach for characterising cored formation intervals: gaining more insight from comparing zonation results – according to geological facie, rock type and hydraulic units
AJ22143The complexity of identifying and quantifying natural and anthropogenic influences on surface movement in coal seam gas producing regions within the Surat Basin, Queensland
AJ22165Maximising gas production from late-life assets: a case study from the Snapper Field, Gippsland Basin
AJ22033The Permian gas potential of the Taroom Trough, Queensland: new ideas to unlock a multi-TCF play
AJ22197What lies beneath – a review of frontier exploration for deep plays in the Bowen Basin
AJ22197 Abstract | AJ22197 Full Text | AJ22197PDF (8.8 MB) Open Access Article
AJ22246Re-discovering the Gummy gas field – Gippsland Basin
AJ22191Analytical approach for multivariate exploration planning via secondary migration modelling
AJ22049Petrophysical interpretation and reservoir characterisation on Proterozoic shales in National Drilling Initiative Carrara 1, Northern Territory
AJ22049 Abstract | AJ22049 Full Text | AJ22049PDF (7 MB) | AJ22049Supplementary Material (PDF 191 KB) Open Access Article
AJ22163The other Erregulla discovery, Wagina Sandstone, north Perth Basin
AJ22182Evolution of process safety performance measurement, reporting and management
AJ22136Mercury management during decommissioning: predicting accumulation and mitigating risk of release
AJ22153Australian salt basins – options for underground hydrogen storage
AJ22153 Abstract | AJ22153 Full Text | AJ22153PDF (9.5 MB) Open Access Article