International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 12 Numbers 3 & 4 2003
Fire and Savanna Landscapes in Northern Australia: Regional Lessons and Global Challenges
Editors: J. Russell-Smith, R. J. Williams, P. J. Whitehead and M. D. Flannigan
WF03074Fire and savanna landscapes in northern Australia: regional lessons and global challenges
Jeremy Russell-Smith, Peter J. Whitehead, Richard J. Williams and Mike Flannigan
pp. v-ix
WF03013A review of current space-based fire monitoring in Australia and the GOFC/GOLD program for international coordination
Christopher O. Justice, Richard Smith, A. Malcolm Gill and Ivan Csiszar
pp. 247-258
WF03014Effects of biomass burning and lightning on atmospheric chemistry over Australia and South-east Asia
Yutaka Kondo, Nobuyuki Takegawa, Yuzo Miyazaki, Malcolm Ko, Makoto Koike, Kazuyuki Kita, Shuji Kawakami, Tomoko Shirai, Toshihiro Ogawa, Donald R. Blake, Ben Liley and Jeremy Russell-Smith
pp. 271-281
WF03015Contemporary fire regimes of northern Australia, 1997–2001: change since Aboriginal occupancy, challenges for sustainable management
Jeremy Russell-Smith, Cameron Yates, Andrew Edwards, Grant E. Allan, Garry D. Cook, Peter Cooke, Ron Craig, Belinda Heath and Richard Smith
pp. 283-297
WF03016Application of NDVI for predicting fuel curing at landscape scales in northern Australia: can remotely sensed data help schedule fire management operations?
Grant Allan, Andrea Johnson, Shane Cridland and Nikki Fitzgerald
pp. 299-308
WF03017Using simulation to map fire regimes: an evaluation of approaches, strategies, and limitations
Robert E. Keane, Geoffrey J. Cary and Russell Parsons
pp. 309-322
WF03018Fire-created patchiness in Australian savannas
A. Malcolm Gill, Grant Allan and Cameron Yates
pp. 323-331
WF03023Fire impacts on surface heat, moisture and carbon fluxes from a tropical savanna in northern Australia
J. Beringer, L. B. Hutley, N. J. Tapper, A. Coutts, A. Kerley and A. P. O'Grady
pp. 333-340
WF03030Experimental comparison of four remote sensing techniques to map tropical savanna fire-scars using Landsat-TM imagery
D. M. J. S. Bowman, Yue Zhang, Angie Walsh and R. J. Williams
pp. 341-348
WF03019Fire regimes and vegetation sensitivity analysis: an example from Bradshaw Station, monsoonal northern Australia
Cameron Yates and Jeremy Russell-Smith
pp. 349-358
WF03022Assessing woody vegetation cover change in north-west Australian savanna using aerial photography
R. J. Fensham and R. J. Fairfax
pp. 359-367
WF03021Patterns of landscape fire and predicted vegetation response in the North Kimberley region of Western Australia
Rohan Fisher, Tom Vigilante, Cameron Yates and Jeremy Russell-Smith
pp. 369-379
WF03024Confronting complexity: fire policy choices in South African savanna parks
William J. Bond and Sally Archibald
pp. 381-389
WF03025Fire experiments in northern Australia: contributions to ecological understanding and biodiversity conservation in tropical savannas
R. J. Williams, J. C. Z. Woinarski and A. N. Andersen
pp. 391-402
WF03026Ecological and economic assessment of prescribed burning impacts in semi-arid pastoral lands of northern Australia
Rodd Dyer and Mark Stafford Smith
pp. 403-413
WF03027Customary use of fire by indigenous peoples in northern Australia: its contemporary role in savanna management
Peter J. Whitehead, D. M. J. S. Bowman, Noel Preece, Fiona Fraser and Peter Cooke
pp. 415-425
WF03031Monitoring the impacts of fire regimes on vegetation in northern Australia: an example from Kakadu National Park
Andrew Edwards, Rod Kennett, Owen Price, Jeremy Russell-Smith, Greg Spiers and John Woinarski
pp. 427-440