International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 12 Number 2 2003
WF02042A review of prescribed burning effectiveness in fire hazard reduction
Paulo M. Fernandes and Hermínio S. Botelho
pp. 117-128
WF02060Assessing fire regimes on Grand Canyon landscapes with fire-scar and fire-record data
Peter Z. Fulé, Thomas A. Heinlein, W. Wallace Covington and Margaret M. Moore
pp. 129-145
WF02021Effects of fire season and intensity on Prosopis glandulosa Torr. var. glandulosa
Paul B. Drewa
pp. 147-157
WF02048Feasibility of forest-fire smoke detection using lidar
Andrei B. Utkin, Armando Fernandes, Fernando Simões, Alexander Lavrov and Rui Vilar
pp. 159-166
WF02035Assessing forest fire potential in Kalimantan Island, Indonesia, using satellite and surface weather data
Dodi Sudiana, Hiroaki Kuze, Nobuo Takeuchi and Robert E. Burgan
pp. 175-184
WF03032Estimation of vegetative fuel loads using Landsat TM imagery in New South Wales, Australia
Kate Brandis and Carol Jacobson
pp. 185-194
WF02059Evaluation of fire danger rating indexes using logistic regression and percentile analysis
Patricia L. Andrews, Don O. Loftsgaarden and Larry S. Bradshaw
pp. 213-226
WF03040Fine-scale patchiness of different fire intensities in sandstone heath vegetation in northern Australia
Owen Price, Jeremy Russell-Smith and Andrew Edwards
pp. 227-236
WF02055Autonomous field-deployable wildland fire sensors
R. Kremens, J. Faulring, A. Gallagher, A. Seema and A. Vodacek
pp. 237-244
WF02054_COCorrigendum to: Ponderosa pine mortality following fire in northern Arizona
Charles W. McHugh and Thomas E. Kolb
pp. 245-245