International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 12 Number 1 2003
WF02053Detection of non-linearities in the dependence of burn area on fuel age and climatic variables
Frederic Paik Schoenberg, Roger Peng, Zhijun Huang and Philip Rundel
pp. 1-6
WF02054Ponderosa pine mortality following fire in northern Arizona
Charles W. McHugh and Thomas E. Kolb
pp. 7-22
WF02040Fire ecology of Mexican pines and a fire management proposal
Dante Arturo Rodríguez-Trejo and Peter Z. Fulé
pp. 23-37
WF02024Assessing canopy fuel stratum characteristics in crown fire prone fuel types of western North America
Miguel G. Cruz, Martin E. Alexander and Ronald H. Wakimoto
pp. 39-50
WF02063Flame characteristics, temperature–time curves, and rate of spread in fires propagating in a bed of Pinus pinaster needles
José M. C. Mendes-Lopes, João M. P. Ventura and José M. P. Amaral
pp. 67-84
WF02017Modeling potential erosion due to the Cerro Grande Fire with a GIS-based implementation of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation
Jay D. Miller, John W. Nyhan and Stephen R. Yool
pp. 85-100
WF02052A review of radiant heat flux models used in bushfire applications
A. L. Sullivan, P. F. Ellis and I. K. Knight
pp. 101-110
WF02025Wildland firefighter load carriage: effects on transit time and physiological responses during simulated escape to safety zone
B. C. Ruby, G. W. Leadbetter III, D. W. Armstrong and S. E. Gaskill
pp. 111-116