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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
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International Journal of Wildland Fire

International Journal of Wildland Fire

Volume 23 Number 1 2014

Using satellite imagery, we analysed high-severity fire patterns, 1984–2010, in forests of the Sierra Nevada, and found no increase in high-severity fire proportion, area or patch size. This is contrary to previous studies that were based on less complete fire severity data and use of post-fire maps to identify pre-fire vegetation.

Fire severity influences the social, economic and ecological impacts of fire. Weather, topography and fuel age have been identified as important drivers of fire severity, though their relative influence may vary spatially depending on precipitation regimes. Our research reveals that the effect weather, slope and fuel age has on fire severity varies across gradients of annual precipitation. Fire management needs to be dynamic across gradients of mean annual precipitation.

WF12152Verification of WRF modelled fire weather in the 2009–10 New Zealand fire season

C. C. Simpson, H. G. Pearce, A. P. Sturman and P. Zawar-Reza
pp. 34-45

The Weather Research and Forecasting mesoscale atmospheric model was assessed for its suitability in predicting the fire weather conditions for the 2009–10 New Zealand wildland fire season. Considerable model errors were found for the operational fire weather indices used in New Zealand.

Small-area methods are traditionally used to reconstruct historical fire intervals in low-severity fire regimes. We conducted a modern calibration and historical test of several methods in ponderosa pine forests. The all-tree-fire-interval method outperformed others, but a variant of a composite-fire-interval method also worked in historical tests.

WF12163Characterising vegetative biomass burning in China using MODIS data

Xianlin Qin, Hou Yan, Zihui Zhan and Zengyuan Li
pp. 69-77

The current paper presents the results of the Chinese vegetative biomass burning characteristics using the active fire data of the MODIS at 1-km2 spatial resolution from 2000 to 2011. The results from the MODIS active fire data are more accurate and spatially precise analysis for Chinese fire cases than those from the statistical fire data.

WF12196Effects of post-fire soil stabilisation techniques on trace elements lost by erosion

M. X. Gómez-Rey, S. García-Marco, C. Fernández, A. Couto-Vázquez and S. J. González-Prieto
pp. 93-103

In a steep shrubland of a temperate-humid region, we evaluated the effect of an experimental fire and two post-fire stabilisation techniques (herbaceous Seeding and straw Mulching) on the amounts of eight trace elements lost with the eroded sediments and the consequences on soil quality in burned and sediment deposition areas.

WF13011Environmental assessment of erosion following prescribed burning in the Mount Lofty Ranges, Australia

Rowena H. Morris, Ross A. Bradstock, Deirdre Dragovich, Meredith K. Henderson, Trent D. Penman and Bertram Ostendorf
pp. 104-116

Identifying a suite of environmental variables rather than relying solely on slope steepness will improve prediction of erosion for environmental assessments. Burning operations need to appreciate the significant influence that fire severity has on sediment movement. Land managers and scientists need to incorporate spatial sampling designs into erosion assessments.

Piñon–juniper woodlands have expanded into big sagebrush steppe of the western United States as a result of reduced fire disturbance. We compared sagebrush steppe recovery following fire on mid-successional and late successional juniper woodlands. The results suggest that native vegetation recovery after fire has greater likelihood of success in mid-successional woodlands than in late successional woodlands.

WF13012Influence of climate and environment on post-fire recovery of mountain big sagebrush

Zachary J. Nelson, Peter J. Weisberg and Stanley G. Kitchen
pp. 131-142

Fire-killed plants must recover by seed or resprouting. In semi-arid environments this depends on episodic wet periods for establishment. We found the widespread shrub sagebrush recovered faster when fire was followed by wet winters. Sagebrush ecosystems may undergo dramatic transformation if the frequency of consecutive drought years increases.

We found fuel treatment activity was correlated with landowners’ perceived wildfire risk and their financial capacity to conduct treatments. We found landowners’ perceived wildfire risk was influenced by hazardous fuel conditions, the presence of housing or timber assets, past experience with wildfire and membership in forestry and fire protection organisations.

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