International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 18 Number 3 2009
Regional Utilization of Fire Science Information: 2007 EastFIRE Conference
WF08088LANDFIRE: a nationally consistent vegetation, wildland fire, and fuel assessment
Matthew G. Rollins
pp. 235-249
WF08086Spatial fuel data products of the LANDFIRE Project
Matthew C. Reeves, Kevin C. Ryan, Matthew G. Rollins and Thomas G. Thompson
pp. 250-267
WF08080Decision support tools to improve the effectiveness of hazardous fuel reduction treatments in the New Jersey Pine Barrens
Kenneth L. Clark, Nicholas Skowronski, John Hom, Matthew Duveneck, Yude Pan, Stephen Van Tuyl, Jason Cole, Matthew Patterson and Stephen Maurer
pp. 268-277
WF08081Interpreting federal policy at the local level: the wildland–urban interface concept in wildfire protection planning in the eastern United States
Stephanie A. Grayzeck-Souter, Kristen C. Nelson, Rachel F. Brummel, Pamela Jakes and Daniel R. Williams
pp. 278-289
WF08087A simple model for wind effects of burning structures and topography on wildland–urban interface surface-fire propagation
Ronald G. Rehm and William (Ruddy) Mell
pp. 290-301
WF08089Generation of synthetic infrared remote-sensing scenes of wildland fire
Zhen Wang, Anthony Vodacek and Janice Coen
pp. 302-309
WF08083FFI: a software tool for ecological monitoring
Duncan C. Lutes, Nathan C. Benson, MaryBeth Keifer, John F. Caratti and S. Austin Streetman
pp. 310-314
WF08084The wildland fuel cell concept: an approach to characterize fine-scale variation in fuels and fire in frequently burned longleaf pine forests
J. Kevin Hiers, Joseph J. O'Brien, R. J. Mitchell, John M. Grego and E. Louise Loudermilk
pp. 315-325
WF08085Soil moisture dynamics and smoldering combustion limits of pocosin soils in North Carolina, USA
James Reardon, Gary Curcio and Roberta Bartlette
pp. 326-335
WF08082Smoke incursions into urban areas: simulation of a Georgia prescribed burn
Yongqiang Liu, Scott Goodrick, Gary Achtemeier, William A. Jackson, John J. Qu and Wanting Wang
pp. 336-348