International Journal of Wildland Fire
Volume 15 Number 4 2006
WF05046Generalization of the fire line rotation model to curved fire lines
Imma Oliveras, Josep Piñol and Domingos X. Viegas
pp. 447-456
WF05085Fire type mapping using object-based classification of Ikonos imagery
George H. Mitri and Ioannis Z. Gitas
pp. 457-462
WF05100Fuel loads, fire regimes, and post-fire fuel dynamics in Florida Keys pine forests
Jay P. Sah, Michael S. Ross, James R. Snyder, Suzanne Koptur and Hillary C. Cooley
pp. 463-478
WF05108Forest floor fuel dynamics in mixed-oak forests of south-eastern Ohio
John B. Graham and Brian C. McCarthy
pp. 479-488
WF05113Accurate estimation of mean fire interval for managing fire
Xiaojun Kou and William L. Baker
pp. 489-495
WF06012Response of boreal plant communities to variations in previous fire-free interval
Jill F. Johnstone
pp. 497-508
WF06016Soil heating and germination: investigations using leaf scorch on graminoids and experimental seed burial
Mark G. Tozer and Tony D. Auld
pp. 509-516
WF05115Measurements of moisture in smoldering smoke and implications for fog
Gary L. Achtemeier
pp. 517-525
WF05076Simulation of prescribed burning strategies in south-west Tasmania, Australia: effects on unplanned fires, fire regimes, and ecological management values
Karen J. King, Geoffrey J. Cary, Ross A. Bradstock, Joanne Chapman, Adrian Pyrke and Jonathon B. Marsden-Smedley
pp. 527-540
WF05111Seasonality and fire severity in savanna landscapes of monsoonal northern Australia
Jeremy Russell-Smith and Andrew C. Edwards
pp. 541-550
WF05112Fire regimes and soil erosion in north Australian hilly savannas
Jeremy Russell-Smith, Cameron Yates and Brian Lynch
pp. 551-556
WF05096Influence of topography and forest structure on patterns of mixed severity fire in ponderosa pine forests of the South Dakota Black Hills, USA
Leigh B. Lentile, Frederick W. Smith and Wayne D. Shepperd
pp. 557-566
WF05080Investigation of the wind speed threshold above which discarded cigarettes are likely to be moved by the wind
Gavriil Xanthopoulos, Dany Ghosn and George Kazakis
pp. 567-576