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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire
International Journal of Wildland Fire

International Journal of Wildland Fire

Volume 30 Number 5 2021

WF20186The importance of small fires for wildfire hazard in urbanised landscapes of the northeastern US

Amanda R. Carlson 0000-0002-0450-2636, Megan E. Sebasky, Matthew P. Peters and Volker C. Radeloff
pp. 307-321

We analysed fire incident report data to model wildfire occurrence probability across the Northeast region of the USA, in order to better understand how patterns and drivers of small fires (0.1–4 ha) differ from larger fires. Hazard from small fires is greater near low-density urban development.

WF20129Effects of altered fire intervals on critical timber production and conservation values

Geoffrey J. Cary, Wade Blanchard, Claire N. Foster and David B. Lindenmayer
pp. 322-328

The average interval between forest fires is expected to markedly shorten in mountain ash forests of Victoria, Australia, by 2070. Simple models of the likelihood of fire intervals required for trees to mature, grow sawlogs, and develop hollows for habitat are presented for the recent past and the future.

WF20086Forest fire smoke detection under complex backgrounds using TRPCA and TSVB

Xiaohu Qiang, Guoxiong Zhou, Aibin Chen, Xin Zhang and Wenzhuo Zhang
pp. 329-350

It is difficult to detect forest fire in a complex background owing to the many interfering factors in forest fire smoke. A novel method that combines Time Domain Robust Principal Component Analysis (TRPCA) and a Two-Stream Composed of VGG and BLSTM (TSVB) model is proposed for forest fire smoke detection.

WF20025Reaction intensity partitioning: a new perspective of the National Fire Danger Rating System Energy Release Component

Francis M. Fujioka, David R. Weise 0000-0002-9671-7203, Shyh-Chin Chen, Seung Hee Kim and Menas C. Kafatos
pp. 351-364

Wildland fire managers in the US use the Rothermel fire spread model to determine fire danger in areas they oversee. This study suggests improvements to the model that provide more information about how different types of dead and live vegetation contribute differently to the total heat energy released from a fire.

WF20162Estimation of post-fire vegetation recovery in boreal forests using solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) data

Meng Guo, Jing Li, Fangbing Yu, Shuai Yin, Shubo Huang and Lixiang Wen
pp. 365-377

This study used SIF to estimate post-fire vegetation recovery in boreal forest and compared the results with that of the MODIS EVI and field photos. The results showed that SIF is more appropriate than vegetation indices in monitoring post-fire vegetation recovery.

WF20117Laboratory study on the suppression of smouldering peat wildfires: effects of flow rate and wetting agent

Muhammad A. Santoso 0000-0001-7936-9211, Wuquan Cui 0000-0003-2133-1709, Hafiz M. F. Amin 0000-0002-6382-757X, Eirik G. Christensen 0000-0001-8927-1437, Yulianto S. Nugroho 0000-0003-3007-9816 and Guillermo Rein 0000-0001-7207-2685
pp. 378-390

This paper presents a laboratory study of peat fire suppression. The volume of fluid that contributes to the suppression of peat in our experiments is fairly constant at 5.7 ± 2.1 L kg−1 peat, despite changes in flow rate and suppressant concentration.

WF20071Bark charcoal reflectance may have the potential to estimate the heat delivered to tree boles by wildland fires

Claire M. Belcher, Stacey L. New 0000-0001-7992-2179, Michael R. Gallagher, Mark J. Grosvenor, Kenneth Clark and Nicholas S. Skowronski
pp. 391-397

We show how a method that measures the amount of reflected light from tree bark charcoals may help ecologists understand how much heat tree trunks are exposed to during forest fires. The aim is to develop this approach to estimate tree mortality following wildfires.

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