Avoid getting burned: lessons from the McKinley wildfire in rural Alaska, USA
Jennifer I. Schmidt
Climate change and continued development in the wildland–urban interface (WUI) have increased risks to property and infrastructure from destructive wildfires.
A better understanding of the factors associated with building survival will promote resilience of WUI communities.
We studied factors associated with the likelihood that a building burned during the 2019 McKinley fire in the Alaska boreal forest, USA. We examined the potential influence of both ecological or socio-economic factors on building loss.
The probability of a building burning was significantly associated (P < 0.001) with a building burning nearby (within 30 m). Having less flammable deciduous cover nearby (within 100 m) improved survival. Buildings with lower value on larger parcels were more likely to burn, as were buildings with larger perimeters. Other important factors associated with burning included the number of buildings both nearby (within 30 m) and within the property parcel boundary.
Our results suggest that social and ecological factors contribute to building survival, indicating that a comprehensive social-ecological approach would provide the most effective support to WUI communities with wildfire risks.
A comprehensive approach that integrates social, economic, and ecological factors is important in understanding building loss in WUI wildfires.
Keywords: Alaska, Arctic, decision making, mitigation, planning, risk, SES, socio-economic, wildland fire, WUI.
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