The distributed strategy for asynchronous observations in data-driven wildland fire spread prediction
Mengxia Zha

Asynchronous observations refer to observations that are obtained at multiple moments. The observation moments of fire fronts may differ throughout an entire wildfire area. Asynchronous observations include historical data, which hinders the effectiveness of data assimilation due to the lack of timely updates on changing fire fronts.
This paper proposed a distributed strategy combined with the Ensemble Transform Kalman filter (ETKF-distributed) for asynchronous observations. It can assimilate fire fronts immediately at any location by using new matching schemes between prediction and observation.
The ETKF-distributed undergoes testing using a wildland fire generated based on real terrain, vegetation, and historical weather data from the local area. In addition, the ETKF and ETKF-centralised proposed in our previous work were employed as comparisons. Observing System Simulation Experiments were conducted to generate asynchronous observation fire fronts.
The benefit of immediate assimilation enables the new method to maintain high accuracy predictions.
The allocation of observation resources can be focused in regions with high rates of speed when employing ETKF-distributed.
The ETKF-distributed has high efficiency and adaptability, making it highly promising for implementation in wildfire prediction.
Keywords: asynchronous observations, data assimilation, distributed strategy, Ensemble Transform Kalman filter, high-accuracy prediction, immediate assimilation, Observing System Simulation Experiments, wildland fire.
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