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International Journal of Wildland Fire International Journal of Wildland Fire Society
Journal of the International Association of Wildland Fire

The BlueSky smoke modeling framework

Narasimhan K. Larkin A E , Susan M. O’Neill B , Robert Solomon A , Sean Raffuse C , Tara Strand A , Dana C. Sullivan C , Candace Krull A , Miriam Rorig A , Janice Peterson D and Sue A. Ferguson A
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations

A AirFire Team, US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 400 N 34th St, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98103, USA.

B Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, 1201 NE Lloyd Blvd, Suite 1000, Portland, OR 97232, USA.

C Sonoma Technology, Inc., 1455 N McDowell Blvd, Suite D, Petaluma, CA 94954, USA.

D US Forest Service, Region 6, 400 N 34th St, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98103, USA.

E Corresponding author. Email:

International Journal of Wildland Fire 18(8) 906-920
Submitted: 28 June 2007  Accepted: 7 November 2008   Published: 9 December 2009


Smoke from fire is a local, regional and often international issue that is growing in complexity as competition for airshed resources increases. BlueSky is a smoke modeling framework designed to help address this problem by enabling simulations of the cumulative smoke impacts from fires (prescribed, wildland, and agricultural) across a region. Versions of BlueSky have been implemented in prediction systems across the contiguous US, and land managers, air-quality regulators, incident command teams, and the general public can currently obtain BlueSky-based predictions of smoke impacts for their region. A highly modular framework, BlueSky links together a variety of state-of-the-art models of meteorology, fuels, consumption, emissions, and air quality, and offers multiple model choices at each modeling step. This modularity also allows direct comparison between similar component models. This paper presents the overall model framework Version 2.5 – the component models, how they are linked together, and the results from case studies of two wildfires. Predicted results are affected by the specific choice of modeling pathway. With the pathway chosen, the modeled output generally compares well with plume shape and extent as observed by satellites, but underpredicts surface concentrations as observed by ground monitors. Sensitivity studies show that knowledge of fire behavior can greatly improve the accuracy of these smoke impact calculations.


BlueSky was originally conceived by the late Sue Ferguson, whose energy and enthusiasm helped bring it to fruition. The present research was supported by the National Fire Plan, the Joint Fire Science Program, USFS Fire and Aviation Management, the US Department of Interior, USFS Region 6, the US EPA, and the National Aerospace and Space Administration. The authors wish to acknowledge the special efforts of Wes Adkins, Casey Anderson, Ray Peterson, Jeanne Hoadley, Trent Piepho, Don Matheny, Bob Kotchenruther, and Rob Wilson. Special thanks go to the BlueSky Smoke Modeling Consortium, the BlueSkyRAINS-West Demonstration Project, Cliff Mass and the Northwest Regional Modeling Consortium, and the FCAMMS personnel for their input and collaboration; to Al Riebau and Peter Lahm for their guidance; and to Sheila Kirby for editorial suggestions and support.


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