Sexual Health
Volume 7 Number 1 2010
SH09031A retrospective case note review of sex worker attendees at sexual health clinics in the western suburbs of Sydney
Sheena Rajesh Kakar, Karen Biggs, Charles Chung, Shailendra Sawleshwarkar, Adrian Mindel, Katerina Lagios and Richard J. Hillman
pp. 3-7
SH09042HIV result giving. Is it time to change our thinking?
Loretta M. Healey, Catherine C. O'Connor and David J. Templeton
pp. 8-10
SH09029Pilot of non-invasive (oral fluid) testing for HIV within a community setting
Frances Birrell, Shaun Staunton, Joseph Debattista, Nicole Roudenko, William Rutkin and Craig Davis
pp. 11-16
SH09039Triple-class HIV antiretroviral therapy failure in an Australian primary care setting
Mark Bloch, Maria Farris, Dominic Tilden, Andrew Gowers and Nicola Cunningham
pp. 17-24
SH08075Intimate partner violence and other partner-related factors: correlates of sexually transmissible infections and risky sexual behaviours among young adult African American women
Puja Seth, Jerris L. Raiford, LaShun S. Robinson, Gina M. Wingood and Ralph J. DiClemente
pp. 25-30
SH09068Misclassification bias: diversity in conceptualisations about having 'had sex'
Stephanie A. Sanders, Brandon J. Hill, William L. Yarber, Cynthia A. Graham, Richard A. Crosby and Robin R. Milhausen
pp. 31-34
SH09028Young adult sexual health: current and prior sexual behaviours among non-Hispanic white US college students
Jenny A. Higgins, James Trussell, Nelwyn B. Moore and J. Kenneth Davidson
pp. 35-43
SH09035Aboriginal health worker screening for sexually transmissible infections and blood-borne viruses in a rural Australian juvenile correctional facility
David J. Templeton, Beverley A. Tyson, Joel P. Meharg, Katalin E. Habgood, Patricia M. Bullen, Sharafat Malek and Rick McLean
pp. 44-48
SH09059Providing high quality information about human papillomavirus for women after treatment for high-grade cervical dysplasia
Suzanne Dyson, Marian Pitts, Anthony Lyons and Robyn Mullins
pp. 49-54
SH09023Prevalence of other sexually transmissible infections in patients with newly diagnosed anogenital warts in a sexual health clinic
Elizabeth A. Sturgiss, Fengyi Jin, Sarah J. Martin, Andrew Grulich and Francis J. Bowden
pp. 55-59
SH08091'Show me the money': financial incentives increase chlamydia screening rates among tertiary students: a pilot study
Marian J. Currie, Matthias Schmidt, Belinda K. Davis, Anne M. Baynes, Elissa J. O'Keefe, Tim P. Bavinton, Michelle McNiven, Sarah J. Martin and Francis J. Bowden
pp. 60-65
SH09020Problems with condoms may be reduced for men taking ample time to apply them
Richard A. Crosby, Cynthia A. Graham, William L. Yarber and Stephanie A. Sanders
pp. 66-70
SH09020 Abstract | SH09020 Full Text | SH09020PDF (101 KB) Open Access Article
SH09093A cross-sectional study of reported symptoms for sexually transmissible infections among female sex workers in Papua New Guinea
Eunice Bruce, Ludwina Bauai, Andrew Masta, Poyap J. Rooney, Michael Paniu, Mathias Sapuri, Louise Keogh, John Kaldor and Christopher K. Fairley
pp. 71-76
SH09092A case-control study of men with non-gonococcal urethritis at Auckland Sexual Health Service: rates of detection of Mycoplasma genitalium
Jackie Hilton, Sunita Azariah and Murray Reid
pp. 77-81
SH09032A case of apparent resistance to all available antiretroviral drugs in a HIV-positive patient
Doris Chibo, Norman Roth and Chris Birch
pp. 82-84
SH09089Knowledge, attitudes, practices and behaviour of female sex workers in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Eunice Bruce, Ludwina Bauai, William Yeka, Mathias Sapuri, Louise Keogh, John Kaldor and Christopher K. Fairley
pp. 85-86
SH09106Risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 and its association with HIV among pregnant teenagers in Zimbabwe
Marshall W. Munjoma, Munyaradzi P. Mapingure and Babill Stray-Pedersen
pp. 87-89
SH09100Is screening asymptomatic men who have sex with men for urethral gonorrhoea worthwhile?
Nathan Ryder, Ian G. Lockart and Chris Bourne
pp. 90-91
SHv7n1_BRContraception: an Australian Clinical Practice Handbook, 2nd Edition
Reviewed by Alex Marceglia
pp. 92-93