Australian Systematic Botany
Volume 23 Number 6 2010
SB10028Tasmanian and Victorian populations of the fern Asplenium hookerianum result from independent dispersals from New Zealand
Leon R. Perrie, Daniel J. Ohlsen, Lara D. Shepherd, Michael Garrett, Patrick J. Brownsey and Michael J. Bayly
pp. 387-392
SB10027 Floral ontogeny in Wisteria sinensis (Fabaceae: Faboideae: Millettieae) and its systematic implications
Somayeh Naghiloo and Mohammad Reza Dadpour
pp. 393-400
SB10029Evolution of nickel hyperaccumulation by Stackhousia tryonii (Celastraceae), a serpentinite-endemic plant from Queensland, Australia
Dylan O. Burge and W. R. Barker
pp. 415-430
SB10002Phylogenetics of hopbushes and pepperflowers (Dodonaea, Diplopeltis – Sapindaceae), based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and partial ETS sequences incorporating secondary-structure models
Mark G. Harrington and Paul A. Gadek
pp. 431-442
SB10037The Lejeunea tumida species group (Lejeuneaceae: Jungermanniopsida) in New Zealand
Matt A. M. Renner, Elizabeth A. Brown and Glenda M. Wardle
pp. 443-462