In humans, ‘functional’ progesterone withdrawal has been proposed to explain the loss of progesterone action during term pregnancy despite circulating progesterone concentrations remaining elevated. Although the exact mechanism of functional progesterone withdrawal remains unclear, compelling evidence now indicates that epigenetic regulation of progesterone receptor isoform expression may be how functional progesterone withdrawal is achieved. This review explores the mechanism by which these epigenetic modifications are achieved and how they are influenced by known regulators of uterine physiology, such as prostaglandins and oestrogens, to phenotypically transform the pregnant uterus and initiate labour.

Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 31 Number 6 2019
RD18361Role of maternal interleukin-8 (IL-8) in normal-term birth in the human

Cytokines are the main factors involved in the normal functions of the placenta and delivery process. IL-8 is an inflammatory molecule and may play crucial roles in the process of on-time delivery, whereas age may significantly affect other molecules involved in prolonged pregnancy. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, can also be considered as main factors involved in fetal growth.
The mechanisms of human early placental development are complex and still not completely explained. In this study we found that caveolin-1 promoted focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation, thereby activating the FAK signalling pathway, which further promotes human trophoblast cell migration, invasion and early placental development. These findings shed new light on our understanding of the mechanism of human early placental development.
RD18444IVM of mouse fully grown germinal vesicle oocytes upon a feeder layer of selected cumulus cells enhances their developmental competence

Ovarian follicles grow thanks to bidirectional exchange between the oocyte and surrounding cumulus cells. We identified a population of specific cumulus cells that, when cultured in vitro to form a feeder layer, contribute to oocytes’ acquisition of developmental competence. These results set a basis for further improvements in IVM protocols for animal and human applications.
RD18411Bovine scavenger receptor class A (SR-A) exhibit specific patterns of regulation in the endometrium during the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy
Implantation, a crucial step of pregnancy, necessitates fine-tuned regulation of endometrial immune function. In this study, we investigated the expression of members of scavenger receptors class A (SR-A), major components of immunity, during early pregnancy and implantation, and their regulation by two major factors of pregnancy, namely progesterone and interferon-τ, in cattle. This study is the first to provide data suggesting the involvement of SR-A in endometrial physiology.
RD18281Notch signalling regulates steroidogenesis in mouse ovarian granulosa cells
Steroid hormone synthesis is one function of granulosa cells and plays an important role in the maturation and function of reproductive organs. In this study we found that Notch signalling affected progesterone and oestradiol secretion by granulosa cells via regulation of interleukin-6 expression. This finding adds to our understanding of the diverse functions of Notch signalling in the mammalian ovary.
RD18453Male reproductive dysfunction in Solea senegalensis: new insights into an unsolved question

Solea senegalensis males born in captivity exhibit a reproductive dysfunction that hinders their sustainable culture. The present study detected lower tyrosine hydroxylase protein expression in the brain and an altered sperm miRNA signature in these males. This molecular alteration in germ cells may play a role in the transmission of reproductive dysfunction to the progeny.
RD17319Quantitative proteomics suggest a potential link between early embryonic death and trisomy 16

Since the detailed biological mechanism of EEDT16 remains unclear, this study used quantitative proteomics to screen differentially expressed proteins in the villous tissues from patients with EEDT16, EEDNC and EANC. Dysfunction in immunological function and in the implantation and invasion ability was observed in EEDT16 and EEDNC patients.
RD18282Genome-wide association study of four composite reproductive traits in Iranian fat-tailed sheep
Composite reproductive traits are rather interesting traits since they combine both growth and reproductive traits into a single phenotype. The aim of this study was to identify candidate genes associated with composite reproductive traits in sheep with a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and attempt to elucidate how selection for growth and reproduction is balanced out at the genomic level.
RD18277Lipopolysaccharide reduces gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) gene expression: role of RFamide-related peptide-3 and kisspeptin

This paper examines the effect of stress on expression of genes in the hypothalamus that regulate reproduction, using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a stressor in female rats. LPS stress reduced gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and kisspeptin expression, indicating that this particular stressor directly or indirectly reduces GnRH expression. This does not appear to involve upregulation of expression of the inhibitory factor, RFamide-related peptide.
RD18400Small RNA (sRNA) expression in the chorioallantois, endometrium and serum of mares following experimental induction of placentitis

Placental infection and inflammation are major causes of late-term pregnancy loss in humans and horses alike; however, little is known about the role that small RNAs (sRNAs) play during infection. Here, we have not only identified 104 novel sRNAs, we have also thoroughly characterised the changes of all highly expressed sRNAs in multiple regions of both chorioallantois and endometrium during placental infection. This work should help researchers and clinicians alike to better understand the physiology of disease, aiding in understanding the complex interactions that regulate disease progression and prognosis.
RD18343Characterisation of bovine embryos following prolonged culture in embryonic stem cell medium containing leukaemia inhibitory factor
Detailed information relating to the developmental processes between hatching and implantation is still lacking in bovine embryos. In this study we showed that an embryo culture system using embryonic stem cell medium enabled bovine trophoblast cells to differentiate into placental-specific binucleate cells and that the binucleate cells formed clusters at Day 23. Our culture system partially reproduced the differentiation process of trophoblast cells.
RD18343 Abstract | RD18343 Full Text | RD18343PDF (1.1 MB) Open Access Article
The oxytocin receptor exists as a single isoform and yet can both inhibit and stimulate cell proliferation. In normal prostate cells, oxytocin receptors are located within signalling microdomains called caveolae. During cancer progression, caveolae are lost and the sequestered receptors move out onto lipid rafts. Movement of oxytocin receptors out of caveolae onto lipid rafts was involved in stimulating increased cell proliferation.