Reproduction, Fertility and Development
Volume 31 Number 1 2019
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Embryo Technology Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 20–23 January 2019
Full Papers and Abstracts for Poster Presentation
RD18340Maternal age affects oocyte developmental potential at both ends of the age spectrum
Rebecca L. Krisher
pp. 1-9
RD18344Antral follicle population in prepubertal and pubertal heifers
M. M. Seneda, F. Morotti, A. F. Zangirolamo, N. C. da Silva, T. K. Sanches, W. Blaschi and T. R. R. Barreiros
pp. 10-16
RD18324Non-surgical embryo transfer in goats and sheep: the Brazilian experience
Jeferson F. Fonseca, Maria Emilia F. Oliveira, Felipe Z. Brandão, Ribrio I. T. P. Batista, Alexandre R. Garcia, Pawel M. Bartlewski and Joanna M. G. Souza-Fabjan
pp. 17-26
RD18315Effects of reproductive season on embryo development in the buffalo
Bianca Gasparrini
pp. 68-81
RD18308Role of melatonin on embryo viability in sheep
José-Alfonso Abecia, Fernando Forcada, María-Isabel Vázquez, Teresa Muiño-Blanco, José A. Cebrián-Pérez, Rosaura Pérez-Pe and Adriana Casao
pp. 82-92
RD18326Cryopreservation and microfluidics: a focus on the oocyte
Gary D. Smith and Shuichi Takayama
pp. 93-104
RD18345Update on the vitrification of bovine oocytes and invitro-produced embryos
Teresa Mogas
pp. 105-117
RD18409Embryo development in cattle and interactions with the reproductive tract
P. Lonergan, José María Sánchez, Daniel J. Mathew, Claudia Passaro and Trudee Fair
pp. 118-125
RDv31n1Ab11 Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing of bovine gametes and in vivo-produced pre-implantation embryos
J. E. Duan, Z. Jiang, F. Alqahtani, I. Mandoiu, H. Dong, X. Zheng, S. L. Marjani, J. Chen and X. C. Tian
pp. 126-126
RDv31n1Ab22 Role of histone H3 lysine 9 trimethylation during bovine pre-implantation embryonic development
M. Navarro, C. Bluguermann, M. Von Meyeren, V. Bariani, C. Osycka and A. Mutto
pp. 126-126
RDv31n1Ab33 Embryo knockout efficiency improved when targeting ovine suppressor of cytokine signalling 2 with 2 small guide RNA
A. K. Mahdi, J. F. Medrano and P. J. Ross
pp. 127-127
RDv31n1Ab44 Induction of ovulation by kisspeptin in llamas
R. A. Carrasco, C. E. Leonardi, K. D. Hutt, J. Singh and G. P. Adams
pp. 127-127
RDv31n1Ab55 Gene expression analysis and DNA methylation patterns of porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer blastocysts with high and low incidence of apoptosis
L. Moley, R. Jones, R. Kaundal, A. Thomas, A. Benninghoff and S. C. Isom
pp. 128-128
RDv31n1Ab66 Decelerating embryo development? Characterisation of the uterine environment in European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) during diapause
V. A. van der Weijden, A. R. Vegas, V. Milojevic, A. B. Rüegg, J. T. Bick, S. Bauersachs, G. J. Arnold, T. Fröhlich, P. Giesbertz, H. Daniel, B. Drews and S. E. Ulbrich
pp. 128-128
RDv31n1Ab77 Pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows synchronized with a shortened progesterone/oestradiol-based protocol (J-synch) and inseminated with conventional or sexed-sorted semen
G. A. Bo, E. E. Huguenine, J. J. de la Mata, R. L. R. de Carneiro and A. Menchaca
pp. 129-129
RDv31n1Ab88 Evaluation of puberty induction protocol in peripubertal beef heifers prior to fixed-time AI programs
J. B. S. Borges, D. S. V. Luiz, P. R. L. Aguiar, C. G. B. Berlitz, G. S. Velho, C. R. Oliveira, B. M. Guerreiro, B. G. Freitas and A. G. C. Dalto
pp. 129-130
RDv31n1Ab99 Performance of color Doppler ultrasonography of the corpus luteum for pregnancy diagnosis in beef heifers with or without a controlled internal drug release at different days after fixed-time artificial insemination
S. R. Wellert, S. E. Battista, K. E. Brown, J. D. Kieffer and A. Garcia-Guerra
pp. 130-130
RDv31n1Ab1010 Effect of 1 or 2 doses of prostaglandin in a resynchronization protocol for timed artificial insemination in beef cows
G. A. Pessoa, A. P. Martini, A. P. Baioco, E. F. Machado Filho, H. F. Pinto, G. W. Carloto, M. F. Sá Filho, I. Claro Junior and N. Alves Neto
pp. 131-131
RDv31n1Ab1111 Conception rate of high-producing dairy cows at first service using prostaglandin F2α and oestradiol benzoate
M. Yamaguchi, M. Takayama, H. López and O. Dochi
pp. 131-131
RDv31n1Ab1212 Effect of additional prostaglandin F2α during the Ovsynch protocol applied in different postpartum intervals in lactating dairy cows: Preliminary results
A. Bover, J. Casellas and T. Mogas
pp. 132-132
RDv31n1Ab1313 Evaluation of PG-3-G presynchronization in Ovsynch-P programs in lactating dairy cows: Preliminary results
G. S. Velho, C. R. Oliveira, C. G. B. Berlitz, D. S. V. Luiz, M. F. C. Chaiben, A. G. C. Dalto and J. B. S. Borges
pp. 132-132
RDv31n1Ab1414 Sperm membrane integrity in ejaculates from young bulls may be improved by single-layer centrifugation
E. Hurri, A. Johannisson, I. Lim-Verde and J. M. Morrell
pp. 133-133
RDv31n1Ab1515 The effect of different bovine oocyte recovery methods on oocyte ultrastructure pre- and post-in vitro maturation
B. A. Foster, E. J. Gutierrez and K. R. Bondioli
pp. 133-134
RDv31n1Ab1616 False-positive rate after anticipation of early pregnancy diagnosis for resynchronization of ovulation in Bos indicus heifers
L. M. S. Simões, E. A. Lima, A. P. C. Santos, R. E. Orlandi, M. P. Bottino, P. H. A. Marinho, L. A. Scandiuzzi Junior, J. P. M. Massoneto, A. H. Souza, P. S. Baruselli and J. N. S. Sales
pp. 134-134
RDv31n1Ab1717 Effect of the zona-free aggregation on the developmental competence of kodkod (Leopardus guigna) embryos generated by interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer
D. Veraguas, C. Aguilera, D. Echeverry, D. Saez-Ruiz, F. O. Castro and L. Rodriguez-Alvarez
pp. 134-135
RDv31n1Ab1818 Characterisation of early embryonic cellular defects after somatic cell nuclear transfer in fish
C. Rouillon, A. Depincé, N. Chenais, P.-Y. Le Bail and C. Labbé
pp. 135-135
RDv31n1Ab1919 Success of handmade cloning in a commercial setting
T. Waybright, S. Sonsteby and G. Vajta
pp. 135-135
RDv31n1Ab2020 Generation of myostatin knockout horse embryos using clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated gene 9 and somatic cell nuclear transfer
G. Vichera, D. Viale, R. Olivera, V. Arnold, A. Grundnig, J. Baston, S. Miriuka and L. Moro
pp. 136-136
RDv31n1Ab2121 Effect of egg yolk extracted low-density lipoprotein on cryopreserved Nguni bull semen
M. M. Tshabalala, K. A. Nephawe, M. L. Mphaphathi, C. M. Pilane and T. L. Nedambale
pp. 136-136
RDv31n1Ab2222 Vitrification of bovine embryo using antifreeze polyamino acid
T. Fujikawa, Y. Gen, S.-H. Hyon and C. Kubota
pp. 137-137
RDv31n1Ab2323 Viability staining techniques for cryopreserved spermatozoa in 3 caudata species
A. Gillis, K. Counsell, A. Julien, R. Marcec, A. Kouba and C. Vance
pp. 137-137
RDv31n1Ab2424 Survival rates of vitrified biopsied bovine in vitro-produced blastocysts using the VitTrans device
N. González, J. Scherzer, M. Reichenbach, C. Otzdorff and H. Zerbe
pp. 138-138
RDv31n1Ab2525 Cryopreservation of horse testicular tissue as a model for rhinoceros
M. C. Gómez, A. Alrashed, C.-Y. Su and B. Durrant
pp. 138-138
RDv31n1Ab2626 Season affects cryotolerance of in vitro-produced buffalo embryos
M. A. Kosior, E. Parente, F. Salerno, K. Annes, R. Annunziata, G. Albero, G. Zullo and B. Gasparrini
pp. 139-139
RDv31n1Ab2727 Effects of the caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone on frozen–thawed bovine sperm
C. De Canditiis, N. Pagano, V. Longobardi, C. Zuchegna, M. A. Kosior, R. Annunziata, E. Parente and B. Gasparrini
pp. 139-139
RDv31n1Ab2828 Effect of deuterium oxide on bovine oocyte cryotolerance
F. Salerno, M. Rubessa, B. Gasparrini and M. Wheeler
pp. 140-140
RDv31n1Ab2929 Development and survival of bovine vitrified sexed IVF-derived embryos in vitro matured with pituitary or human recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone
L. B. Ferré, C. Fresno, M. E. Kjelland and P. J. Ross
pp. 140-141
RDv31n1Ab3030 Bull sperm kinetics after semen cryopreservation in extender containing propagermanium
T. E. Cruz, A. Martins Jr, F. N. Marqui, D. G. Souza, T. I. H. Berton and E. Oba
pp. 141-141
RDv31n1Ab3131 Effect of fetal calf serum on production and cryotolerance of in vitro bovine embryos from Ecuadorian Creole heifers
M. S. Méndez, M. E. Soria, L. R. Galarza, F. P. Perea and D. E. Argudo
pp. 141-142
RDv31n1Ab3232 Vitrification of in vitro-matured bovine oocytes in triacetate cellulose hollow fibres
E. V. Kornienko, A. B. Romanova, M. A. Ikonopistseva and G. P. Malenko
pp. 142-142
RDv31n1Ab3333 Caffeine improves equine sperm motility after thawing
M. A. Lagares, N. C. Alves, A. L. A. Guimaraes, S. B. Luz, S. A. Diniz, A. M. Q. Lana and R. Stahberg
pp. 142-143
RDv31n1Ab3434 The effect of dilution method of beagle dog semen on the survival rate of cryopreserved spermatozoa after thawing
S. W. Kim, C.-L. Kim, I. S. Jeon, Y. G. Ko and I.-S. Hwang
pp. 143-143
RDv31n1Ab3535 The effect of fatty acid-free BSA supplementation on the ability of low-temperature-preserved chicken semen
S. W. Kim, C. Kim, I. S. Jeon and Y. G. Ko
pp. 143-143
RDv31n1Ab3636 The effects of E-64 on the developmental competence of porcine oocytes vitrified at the germinal vesicle stage
T. Somfai, H. T. Nguyen, N. T. Men, T. Q. Dang-Nguyen, H. Kaneko, J. Noguchi, T. Nagai and K. Kikuchi
pp. 144-144
RDv31n1Ab3737 Viability of sheep skin fibroblasts after vitrification
Y. Toishibekov, E. Asanova, M. Yermekova, A. Seisenbayeva and D. Toishybek
pp. 144-144
RDv31n1Ab3838 Vitrification of prepubertal lamb spermatogonia using a novel vitrification system
S. Ledda, S. Pinna, S. Nieddu, D. Natan, A. Arav and D. Bebbere
pp. 145-145
RDv31n1Ab3939 General motility and mitochondrial cytochemical activity of post-thawed semen of pasture-fed Nelore bulls supplemented with palm and soybean oils
P. P. Tsuneda, L. K. Hatamoto-Zervoudakis, T. F. Motheo, J. T. Zervoudakis and M. Nichi
pp. 145-145
RDv31n1Ab4040 Toward a standardised annotation of morphokinetical parameters for an automatic early prediction of the in vitro development potential of bovine embryos
A. P. Reis, G. Brocart, M. Belghiti, N. Le Brusq, S. Messoudi, B. M. Le Guienne, L. Laffont, S. Ruffini, E. Canon, P. Adenot, V. Duranthon and A. Trubuil
pp. 146-146
RDv31n1Ab4141 Delineating the molecular connections between mitotic aneuploidy, micronucleation, and cellular fragmentation in pre-implantation bovine embryos
K. E. Brooks, B. L. Daughtry, S. S. Fei, M. Y. Yan, B. Davis, L. Carbone and S. L. Chavez
pp. 146-146
RDv31n1Ab4242 Nrf2 and nuclear factor kappa B cross-talk in bovine granulosa cells under lead challenge
H. S. Aglan, S. Gebremedhn, D. Salilew-Wondim, C. Neuhoff, E. Tholen, E. Held, M. Hoelker, K. Schellander and D. Tesfaye
pp. 147-147
RDv31n1Ab4343 Effect of early life nutrition on endometrial gland development and endometrial gene expression in heifers
S. Bagés-Arnal, B. Fernández-Fuertes, C. Passaro, C. Maicas, M. McDonald, C. J. Byrne, T. Martins, A. K. Kelly, D. A. Kenny, T. Fair and P. Lonergan
pp. 147-147
RDv31n1Ab4444 Misregulation of ten-eleven translocation 3 CXXC domain leads to abnormal formation of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and expression of pluripotency genes in pig embryos
K. Uh, J. Ryu, H. Miko, K. Carey and K. Lee
pp. 148-148
RDv31n1Ab4545 The role of TRIM28 in porcine somatic cell nuclear transfer embryo development
Y. H. Zhai, X. L. An, Z. R. Zhang, S. Zhang and Z. Y. Li
pp. 148-148
RDv31n1Ab4646 Morphologic and functional characterization of the early fetal equine gonads
D. Scarlet, I. Walter, S. Handschuh, R. Ellerbrock, I. Canisso and C. Aurich
pp. 149-149
RDv31n1Ab4747 Effect of a long-term, high-fat diet on metabolic health and oocyte quality of an outbred (Swiss) versus inbred (C57BL/6N) mouse strain
A. Smits, W. F. A. Marei, O. Mohey-Elsaeed, I. Pintelon, K. Moerloose, D. Ginneberge and J. L. M. R. Leroy
pp. 149-149
RDv31n1Ab4848 Different chromatin accessibility in murine male and female inner cell mass
E. Ruggeri, E. Grow, X. Liu, A. Donjacour and P. Rinaudo
pp. 150-150
RDv31n1Ab4949 Collection of Day 7 equine embryos in aluteal cycles in mares
C. K. Mak, V. Medina, M. Markle and C. R. F. Pinto
pp. 150-150
RDv31n1Ab5050 Equine uterine fluid proteome on the fifth day after ovulation
D. J. Lancheros-Buitrago, P. Rodriguez-Villamil, J. W. Gregory, C. A. Camacho-Rozo, J. E. Caballeros-Haeussler, N. Cazales, H. B. A. Bastos, E. Barros, A. M. Pimentel and R. C. Mattos
pp. 151-151
RDv31n1Ab5151 Effects of modulating early luteal phase progestin concentration on endometrial function in early pregnant mares
C. Aurich, T. Beyer and D. Scarlet
pp. 151-151
RDv31n1Ab5252 Decellularization of goat uterus as a promising 3-dimensional homing matrix of biological scaffold: A pilot study
M. Ghiringhelli, N. Verdile, T. A. L. Brevini and F. Gandolfi
pp. 151-152
RDv31n1Ab5353 Pre-implantation exposure to bisphenol A and 4-tert-octylphenol result in disruption of calcium channels
D. N. Tran, J.-H. Lee, Y.-M. Yoo, E.-M. Jung, C. Ahn, S. Y. Park, B. Lee, B.-H. Jeon, T. H. T. Nguyen and E.-B. Jeung
pp. 152-152
RDv31n1Ab5454 Altrenogest supplementation during early pregnancy improves swine embryonic development
B. Muro, R. Carnevale, M. Mendonça, D. Leal, M. Torres, D. Nakasone, G. Ravagnani, C. Martinez, M. Monteiro, S. Martins and A. Andrade
pp. 152-153
RDv31n1Ab5555 Peri-conceptional undernourishment perturbs offspring sperm methylome
P. Toschi, E. Capra, D. Anzalone, F. Turri, F. Pizzi, B. Lazzari, A. Stella, P. Ajmone-Marsan and P. Loi
pp. 153-153
RDv31n1Ab5656 Spatial analysis of transcriptome changes in porcine endometrium on Day 14 of pregnancy
S. Zeng and S. Bauersachs
pp. 153-154
RDv31n1Ab5757 Non-targeted metabolomic profiles within the uterine milieu of porcine pregnancies containing populations of uniform or diverse spherical, ovoid, or tubular conceptuses during initiation of embryo elongation
J. Miles, E. Wright-Johnson, S. Walsh, C. Corey, L. Yao, L. Rempel and A. Pannier
pp. 154-154
RDv31n1Ab5858 Transcervical transfer of blastocysts reveals detrimental effect on implantation rate in di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-exposed mice
L. Y. Parra-Forero, A. Mojica-Villegas, E. Alfaro-Pedraza and I. Hernández-Ochoa
pp. 154-154
RDv31n1Ab5959 Effect of amniotic progenitor cell microvesicles on freezing of in vitro-produced bovine embryos and on pregnancy rate after embryo transfer
A. Lange-Consiglio, V. Ossola, A. Girani, A. Quintè and F. Cremonesi
pp. 155-155
RDv31n1Ab6060 Quercetin protects bovine pre-implantation embryos against oxidative stress via activation of Nrf2 signaling pathway
O. Khadrawy, S. Gebremedhn, D. Salilew-Wondim, F. Rings, C. Neuhoff, E. Tholen, E. Held-Hoelker, M. Hoelker, K. Schellander and D. Tesfaye
pp. 155-155
RDv31n1Ab6161 Extracellular vesicles from serum in culture media are internalized by bovine embryos produced in vitro
B. Melo-Baez, E. Mellisho and L. Rodriguez-Alvarez
pp. 156-156
RDv31n1Ab6262 Sequential nutrient restriction and provision during bovine in vitro embryo culture differentially affect blastocyst development and quality with oocytes from varied sources
R. Pasquariello, Y. Yuan, D. Logsdon, J. Becker, L. Yao, C. Broeckling, W. B. Schoolcraft, J. P. Barfield and R. L. Krisher
pp. 156-156
RDv31n1Ab6363 Bovine embryo-secreted microRNA-30c negatively regulates cell cycle progression through downregulation of CDK12
X. Lin, E. Beckers, S. Mc Cafferty, J. P. Catani, K. J. Szymanska, A. Van Soom and L. Peelman
pp. 157-157
RDv31n1Ab6464 Culture of bovine oocytes and embryos with metabolic hormones concentrations associated with equine metabolic syndrome
D. Bresnahan and E. Carnevale
pp. 157-157
RDv31n1Ab6565 Improvement of bovine early embryo development in vitro by coculture with endometrial epithelial cells
M. Sponchiado, W. F. A. Marei, P. E. J. Bols, M. Binelli and J. L. M. R. Leroy
pp. 158-158
RDv31n1Ab6666 Bovine corpus luteum affects embryo developmental competence and production
J. M. Alvarado, M. A. Tenemaza, S. L. Merchán, D. E. Argudo, M. S. Méndez, M. E. Soria, L. R. Galarza, L. Ayala, H. J. Hernández and F. P. Perea
pp. 158-158
RDv31n1Ab6767 Optimizing a protocol for isolating extracellular vesicles from medium conditioned by bovine embryos in vitro
K. C. Pavani, A. Hendrix, B. Leemans and A. Van Soom
pp. 159-159
RDv31n1Ab6868 Flux analysis of aerobic glycolysis in bovine blastocysts and CT1 cells
J. Chung, R. Clifford, G. Sriram and C. Keefer
pp. 159-159
RDv31n1Ab6969 Cloned bovine embryonic development derived from interferon tau knockout cells
K.-M. Kim, S.-J. Lee, S.-Y. Yum, H.-S. Kim, H.-J. Kim, J.-H. Park, J.-H. Lee, S.-H. Koo, W.-W. Lee, W.-S. Lee and G. Jang
pp. 160-160
RDv31n1Ab7070 Does the addition of docosahexaenoic acid to in vitro systems during culture improve the quality of bovine embryos?
J. A. Sánchez Viafara, G. Lopez de Vasconcelos, R. Maculan, N. Gomes Alves and J. Camisão de Souza
pp. 160-160
RDv31n1Ab7171 Removal of hypotaurine from porcine embryo culture medium decreases message for pro-apoptotic genes but does not affect development at low oxygen tension
P. R. Chen, E. C. Leffeler, L. D. Spate and R. S. Prather
pp. 161-161
RDv31n1Ab7272 Effect of incubation temperature and of CO2 concentration during early cleavage on equine in vitro embryo production
J. Brom-de-Luna, R. Salgado, H. Canesin, M. Diaw and K. Hinrichs
pp. 161-161
RDv31n1Ab7373 Artificial incubation of resplendent quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno mocinno) eggs
J. R. Martínez Guzmán, M. Palma-Irizarry, M. E. Kjelland, J. A. Quintana López, S. Romo and J. Estudillo Guerra
pp. 162-162
RDv31n1Ab7474 Follicular fluid anti-Müllerian hormone concentration predicts juvenile ovine in vitro embryo development
J. E. Seccafien, J. M. Kelly, H. McGrice, D. O. Kleemann, K. L. Kind and W. H. E. J. van Wettere
pp. 162-162
RDv31n1Ab7575 Culture of isolated blastomeres supplemented with L-ascorbic acid 2-phosphate in a well-of-the-well culture dish
Y. Hasiyada, H. Matsuda, Y. Aikawa, M. Ohtake and T. Yamanouchi
pp. 163-163
RDv31n1Ab7676 Effects of serum type in maturation medium on in vitro development of bovine embryos
A. Mesalam, S. Zhang, K.-L. Lee, S.-H. Song, L. Xu, M.-D. Joo, J.-Y. Hwang and I.-K. Kong
pp. 163-163
RDv31n1Ab7777 Development and quality of in vitro bovine hemi embryos produced by blastomere separation and embryo bisection
A. E. Ynsaurralde Rivolta, M. Suvá, V. Alberio, C. Vazquez Echegaray, A. Guberman, R. J. Bevacqua and D. F. Salamone
pp. 164-164
RDv31n1Ab7878 Evaluation of the genomic estimated breeding value of carcass traits in blastocyst-stage embryos derived from Japanese Black cattle
T. Fujii, A. Naito, H. Hirayama, M. Kashima, S. Kageyama, H. Yoshino, T. Hanamure, Y. Domon, H. Hayakawa, T. Watanabe and S. Moriyasu
pp. 164-165
RDv31n1Ab7979 CRISPR gene editing in bovine zygotes — mutation confirmation by integration of protein expression and DNA sequencing analyses
B. Daigneault, M. Vilarino, S. Rajput, T. Frum, G. Smith and P. Ross
pp. 165-165
RDv31n1Ab8080 Biallelic CRISPR-Cas9 editing of gene associated with coat colour in microinjected bovine zygotes reaching the blastocyst stage
M. Poirier, D. Miskel, F. Rings, K. Schellander and M. Hoelker
pp. 165-165
RDv31n1Ab8181 Generation of presumptive domestic cat tetraploid embryos and its application for asynchronic complementation with diploid blastomeres
M. D. Rodriguez, A. Gambini, A. Sestelo, O. Briski, R. Fernandez-Martin and D. F. Salamone
pp. 166-166
RDv31n1Ab8282 Disruption of p53 in bovine somatic cells affected cloned embryonic development
K.-M. Kim, S.-J. Lee, S.-Y. Yum, H.-S. Kim, H.-J. Kim, J.-H. Lee, S.-H. Koo, W.-W. Lee, W.-S. Lee and G. Jang
pp. 166-166
RDv31n1Ab8383 Pregnancy losses after transfer of bovine embryos produced by assisted reproductive technologies
L. F. Feres, M. P. Palhao, L. G. B. Siqueira and J. H. M. Viana
pp. 167-167
RDv31n1Ab8484 Evaluation of indirect methods for pregnancy diagnosis at Day 21 in in vitro-produced embryo transfer recipient heifers
A. Garcia-Guerra, P. L. J. Monteiro Jr, C. A. Gamarra, E .A. Walleser, A. Prata, M. A. Mezera, R. Gennari, R. V. Sala, J. F. Moreno, R. Sartori and M. C. Wiltbank
pp. 167-168
RDv31n1Ab8585 Elongation of trophoblastic vesicles between Days 15 and 18 in cattle
C. Richard, S. Degrelle, V. Gelin, A. Neveux, P. Chavatte-Palmer, Y. Heyman and I. Hue
pp. 168-168
RDv31n1Ab8686 Comparison of in vivo and in vitro embryo production in Bonsmara donors
B. H. Bernal, J. L. Barajas, J. A. Ortega, A. Cedeño, S. Andrada, J. M. Oviedo, A. Tribulo, R. Tribulo, H. Tribulo and G. A. Bó
pp. 168-169
RDv31n1Ab8787 Assessment of pregnancy success following transfer of embryos produced in vitro using frozen–thawed semen from cloned and noncloned Bos indicus bulls
O. Sebastián, F. Guerrero, R. Romero, F. Muñoz, A. Parlange, S. Romo and M. E. Kjelland
pp. 169-169
RDv31n1Ab8888 Evaluation of embryo transfer results using embryos cryopreserved in ethylene glycol for 8 years or in glycerol for 30 years
C. Acevedo, S. Romo, C. López, A. Cortes-Mcnealy, M. I. Cruz-González, A. Parlange and M. E. Kjelland
pp. 170-170
RDv31n1Ab8989 Effect of embryo transfer and recipient breed on offspring performance in equine show jumping
E. Palmer, M. Robles, A. Ricard and P. Chavatte-Palmer
pp. 170-170
RDv31n1Ab9090 Effects of treatment with the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Anafen prior to embryo recovery and the number of embryo flush procedures performed on prostaglandin levels in uterine fluid and pregnancy rate following embryo transfer
R. Dupras, L. Mills, C. Meunier and Y. Chorfi
pp. 171-171
RDv31n1Ab9191 Can propylene glycol modulate insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 in superovulated dairy heifers?
R. Dupras, L. Mills, G. Robert, C. Meunier and Y. Chorfi
pp. 171-171
RDv31n1Ab9292 Culture method for long-distance transport of bovine embryos derived from IVF before blastulation using microtubes
T. Yamanouchi, H. Matsuda, K. Ogata and Y. Hashiyada
pp. 172-172
RDv31n1Ab9393 The efficiency of estrus detection by accelerometry in Holstein and Japanese Black crossbred cows
M. Sakatani, M. Miwa and K. Abe
pp. 172-172
RDv31n1Ab9494 Impact of number of embryos transferred on the number of offspring produced in a commercial transgenic founder production operation
N. Buzzell, S. Blash, K. Miner, M. Schofield, J. Pollock, N. Hawkins, M. Hevy and W. Gavin
pp. 173-173
RDv31n1Ab9595 N-Acetyl cysteine as a potential treatment for equine persistent breeding-induced endometritis
M. Caissie, T. Chenier, C. Gartley, E. Scholtz, R. Johnson, J. Hewson and D. Bienzle
pp. 173-174
RDv31n1Ab9696 Association between metabolic diseases and fertility of high-yielding dairy cows in a transition management facility using survival analysis and machine-learning models
O. B. Pascottini, M. Probo, S. LeBlanc, G. Opsomer and M. Hostens
pp. 174-174
RDv31n1Ab9797 Ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum)
P. Pennington, J. Capiro, K. Marshall, R. Felton and B. Durrant
pp. 174-175
RDv31n1Ab9898 Efficacy of commercial equine semen freezing extenders for cryopreservation of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) sperm
C. Young, N. Ravida, P. Pennington and B. Durrant
pp. 175-175
RDv31n1Ab9999 Effect of application of seminal plasma on Day 0, 5, or 7 postmating on pregnancy rate and embryonic survival in alpacas (Lama pacos)
R. Cuya, W. Huanca, G. Medina, R. Sanchez and W. F. Huanca
pp. 175-176
RDv31n1Ab100100 Reproductive cycle and pregnancy monitoring in the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) through salivary steroid analyses and transabdominal ultrasonography
J. Wojtusik, I. M. C. Brandicourt, W. Rice and T. L. Roth
pp. 176-176
RDv31n1Ab101101 Assessment of semen traits in servals (Leptailurus serval) and Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis)
R. González, A. Moresco, A. Miller, H. Bateman, L. Vansandt, D. Dembiec, A. Ista and W. F. Swanson
pp. 176-177
RDv31n1Ab102102 Sperm cryopreservation with a soy lecithin-based medium in black-footed cats (Felis nigripes) and sand cats (Felis margarita)
L. M. Vansandt, A. Moresco, R. González, A. Miller, J. Newsom, M. E. Iwaniuk, J. R. Herrick and W. F. Swanson
pp. 177-177
RDv31n1Ab103103 Hormonal stimulation and post-breeding sperm induction in the mountain yellow-legged frog, Rana muscosa
N. Calatayud, M. Curtis and B. Durrant
pp. 177-178
RDv31n1Ab104104 Teratospermia in tigers: Evidence for declining sperm quality over time
J. R. Herrick, C. Ploog, R. Santymire, J. Aaltonen, K. Traylor-Holzer, O. Byers, D. Armstrong and T. Harris
pp. 178-178
RDv31n1Ab105105 Functionality evaluation of two extenders for Leopardus geoffroyi sperm cryopreservation by interspecific IVF with domestic cat oocytes
A. J. Sestelo, M. D. Rodriguez, N. Gañan, D. F. Salamone, L. Barañao and E. R. S. Roldan
pp. 178-179
RDv31n1Ab106106 Assessment of fecal near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to detect and monitor the reproductive status of endangered Amur and Snow leopard females
M. Santos-Rivera, L. Johnson-Ulrich, A. Graham, E. Willis, A. J. Kouba and C. K. Vance
pp. 179-179
RDv31n1Ab107107 Insights from roe deer oocyte transcriptome across embryonic diapause
S. M. Bernal-Ulloa, V. A. van der Weijden, J. T. Bick, A. B. Rüegg, B. Drews and S. E. Ulbrich
pp. 179-180
RDv31n1Ab108108 Fecal metabolite monitoring as a tool to assess sexual maturation in polar bears
E. Curry, M. A. Stoops and T. L. Roth
pp. 180-180
RDv31n1Ab109109 Sperm cryopreservation in Eulamprus quoyii (Eastern water skink)
R. Hobbs, L. Keogh, K. James, J. Baxter-Gilbert and M. Whiting
pp. 180-181
RDv31n1Ab110110 First ovum pickup-in vitro-produced lidia breed calves using Lidia breed recipients: influence of age and state of the recipients and in vitro-produced embryos on pregnancy rates
G. Gamarra Lazo, D. Di Scala, S. Maunas, R. Chaubet and S. Lacaze
pp. 181-181
RDv31n1Ab111111 Improvement of cat and bull sperm quality using nanotechnology as a model for wild species
C. L. Durfey, T. Rowlison, C. U. Lagu, C. Sente, M. L. Khaitsa, H. J. Clemente, P. L. Ryan, S. T. Willard and J. M. Feugang
pp. 181-182
RDv31n1Ab112112 Comparative study between slow freezing and vitrification on the survival rate of cryopreserved alpaca embryos post-transfer
H. W. Vivanco-Mackie, M. D. Ponce-Salazar, M. Miguel-Gonzales, C. R. Youngs, C. Jara and M. Asparrin
pp. 182-182
RDv31n1Ab113113 Influence of antral follicles count on conception rate in Holstein cows and antral follicles count variation on insemination day and on pregnancy Day 30 and 60
F. Morotti, R. G. Droher, A. F. Zangirolamo and M. M. Seneda
pp. 182-183
RDv31n1Ab114114 Effect of in vivo heat stress on DNA methylation and DNA hydroxymethylation of bovine oocytes
F. A. Diaz, E. J. Gutierrez, B. A. Foster, P. T. Hardin and K. R. Bondioli
pp. 183-183
RDv31n1Ab115115 Exosome-mediated microRNA expression profile in follicular fluid of metabolically divergent postpartum cows
T. Hailay, M. Hoelker, S. Gebremedhn, F. Rings, M. M. Saeed-Zidane, M. Poirier, D. Salilew-Wondim, C. Dauben, E. Tholen, C. Neuhoff, K. Schellander and D. Tesfaye
pp. 183-184
RDv31n1Ab116116 Differential expression of connexin 43 and 37 mRNA transcripts during the estrous cycle in canines
M. De los Reyes, J. Palomino, R. Espinoza and C. Gallego
pp. 184-184
RDv31n1Ab117117 Kit ligand enhances growth and nuclear maturation of buffalo oocytes in vitro
M. N. Islam, M. H. Alam, A. Khatun, M. A. Hashem and M. Moniruzzaman
pp. 184-185
RDv31n1Ab118118 A retrospective analysis of follicular dynamics, LH, estradiol-17β, and progesterone in prostaglandin F2α-induced estrus of Beetal goats
A. Murtaza, M. I. R. Khan, W. Ahmad, T. Sohail, I. Mohsin, M. Shahzad, M. Hussain and M. Z. Tahir
pp. 185-185
RDv31n1Ab119119 Combined exposure to phthalates and 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide accelerate the loss of ovarian follicles, leading to premature ovarian failure in rat model
D. N. Tran, J.-H. Lee, Y.-M. Yoo, E.-M. Jung, C. Ahn, S. Y. Park, B. Lee, B.-H. Jeon and E.-B. Jeung
pp. 185-185
RDv31n1Ab120120 Effects of antral follicle count in ovaries on follicular development and endocrine dynamics of follicle-stimulating hormone and steroid hormones in cattle
K. Sakaguchi, Y. Yanagawa, K. Yoshioka, T. Suda, K. Kawano, S. Katagiri and M. Nagano
pp. 185-186
RDv31n1Ab121121 Ovulatory response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone relative to day and diameter of dominant follicle during the first follicular wave in Beetal goats
W. Ahmad, M. I.-R. Khan, A. Murtaza, I. Mohsin, A. Riaz and K. Javed
pp. 186-186
RDv31n1Ab122122 Effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone plus 7-day progesterone (CIDR) with or without eCG on follicular dynamics, estrus response, and pregnancy rate in anestrous Beetal goats during nonbreeding season under subtropical conditions
M. I.-R. Khan, N. Hameed, W. Ahmad, M. Abbas, A. Murtaza, N. Ahmad and K. Javed
pp. 186-187
RDv31n1Ab123123 Effect of heat stress on oocyte developmental competence and global gene expression dynamics in Bos taurus crossbred beef cows
Z. Jiang, F. A. Diaz, E. J. Gutierrez, B. A. Foster, P. T. Hardin and K. R. Bondioli
pp. 187-187
RDv31n1Ab124124 Functional analysis of porcine OCT4 transcriptional regulatory region-based reporter system
S.-H. Kim, K.-H. Choi, D.-K. Lee, M. Lee, M.-H. Cho, J.-N. Oh and C.-K. Lee
pp. 187-188
RDv31n1Ab125125 Presence of melatonin receptors in ovine blastocysts
A. Casao, R. Pérez-Pé, J. A. Cebrián-Pérez, T. Muiño-Blanco, F. Forcada and J. A. Abecia
pp. 188-188
RDv31n1Ab126126 Interference of mastitis with ovulation and oocyte and granulosa cell quality in dairy cows
G. Santos, M. P. Bottino, A. P. C. Santos, R. E. Orlandi, L. M. S. Simões, J. C. Souza, M. B. D. Ferreira, J. C. Silveira, A. C. F. C. M. Ávila, A. Bridi and J. N. S. Sales
pp. 188-189
RDv31n1Ab127127 Temporal regulation of molecular pathways, metabolic enzymes and growth factor receptors during bovine oocyte maturation in vitro
S. Rajput, J. Becker, Y. Yuan, W. Schoolcraft and R. Krisher
pp. 189-189
RDv31n1Ab128128 Next-generation RNA sequencing of horse adipose and endometrial mesenchymal stem cells from the same donors unveils striking differences in their transcriptomic pattern
F. Navarrete, E. Mellisho, Y. Wang, J. Cabezas, L. L. Rodriguez-Alvarez, A. Navarro, F. Saravia and F. O. Castro
pp. 189-190
RDv31n1Ab129129 Knockdown of connexin 43 effects on developmental competence in porcine parthenotes
K.-T. Shin, Y.-J. Niu, Z.-W. Nie, W. Zhou, Y.-H. Kim and X.-S. Cui
pp. 190-190
RDv31n1Ab130130 In vitro embryo production using frozen semen from cloned and non-cloned Bos indicus bulls
S. Romo, O. Sebastián, F. Guerrero, R. Romero, F. Muñoz, A. Parlange and M. E. Kjelland
pp. 190-190
RDv31n1Ab131131 Fatty acid binding protein inhibition as a strategy to reduce the lipid content of in vitro-produced bovine embryos
L. H. Aguiar and A. C. Denicol
pp. 191-191
RDv31n1Ab132132 Effect of treatment with follicle-stimulating hormone on in vitro embryo production of Gyr (Bos indicus) calves, pubertal heifers and adult cows
F. M. Elliff, E. C. Guimarães, L. F. Féres, B. M. Bayeux, M. H. A. Colli and P. S. Sampaio Baruselli
pp. 191-191
RDv31n1Ab133133 Test of minimum-intervention protocols for optimizing in vitro embryo production in bison
M. L. Zwiefelhofer, E. M. Zwiefelhofer, S. X. Yang, S. Maeda, J. Singh and G. P. Adams
pp. 192-192
RDv31n1Ab134134 The effect of follicle-stimulating hormone and equine chorionic gonadotropin injection protocols on laparoscopic ovum pickup in prepubertal Kiko goats
D. McElyea, B. Carwell, D. Carwell, D. Kennedy, C. Looney and C. Steinhauser
pp. 192-192
RDv31n1Ab135135 Use and dose of porcine follicle-stimulating hormone for ovarian superstimulation prior to ovum pickup and in vitro embryo production in pregnant Holstein heifers
R. V. Sala, L. C. Carrenho-Sala, M. Fosado, E. Peralta, D. C. Pereira, D. Moreno, J. F. Moreno and A. Garcia-Guerra
pp. 192-193
RDv31n1Ab136136 Efficient in vitro embryo production system using in vivo-matured oocytes from superstimulated Japanese black cows
J. Egashira, H. Tatemoto, Y. Wada and K. Yamanaka
pp. 193-193
RDv31n1Ab137137 Assessment of fertilizing ability of Merino ram semen cold stored up to 48 h by heterologous IVF of bovine oocytes
D. A. Galarza, M. Ladrón de Guevara, P. Beltrán-Breña, M. J. Sánchez-Calabuig, A. López-Sebastián, J. Santiago-Moreno and D. Rizos
pp. 194-194
RDv31n1Ab138138 Effects of different treatments of donors on the efficiency of embryo production and conception in bovine ovum pickup-in vitro production
A. Katae, Y. Kaneda, M. Sugawara, T. Nishisouzu, O. Dochi and K. Imai
pp. 194-194
RDv31n1Ab139139 Effect of protein and calcium ionophore A23187 concentration on hyperactivated motility and acrosome status of stallion sperm
I. Ortiz, H. Resende, M. Felix, C. Love and K. Hinrichs
pp. 195-195
RDv31n1Ab140140 A comparison of in vitro embryo production between heifers and lactating Holstein donors without superstimulation
E. P. Silva, M. K. Sermersheim, P. V. Marchioretto, R. Della Mea, L. M. Naves, I. Rivelli, F. Rochelle, L. F. T. Nasser, M. Rubessa and M. B. Wheeler
pp. 195-195
RDv31n1Ab141141 Positive effects of supplementation in bovine culture medium with 3 cytokines
L. Spate, B. Redel, S. Ortega, J. Moraes, R. Prather and T. Spencer
pp. 196-196
RDv31n1Ab142142 Effect of follicular size on oocyte recovery rate, quality, and in vitro developmental competency following maturation, fertilization, and culturing in Bos indicus cows
Z. Sarwar, M. Saad, M. Saleem, A. Riaz and N. Ahmad
pp. 196-196
RDv31n1Ab143143 Effect of corpus luteum on recovery rate, quality, and in vitro developmental competence of oocytes in Bos indicus dairy cows
M. Saad, Z. Sarwar, M. Saleem, U. Arshad, M. Shahzad, M. H. Mushtaq, A. Riaz and N. Ahmad
pp. 196-197
RDv31n1Ab144144 Sex ratio of in vitro-produced goat embryos
M. Stoltzfus, J. Wayman, R. Stilz and D. Bresnahan
pp. 197-197
RDv31n1Ab145145 Inhibitory effects of gossypol on bovine in vitro embryo production
L. K. Hatamoto-Zervoudakis, M. F. Duarte Jr, T. F. Motheo, P. P. Tsuneda and J. T. Zervoudakis
pp. 197-198
RDv31n1Ab146146 Quercetin supplementation during boar semen thawing and incubation improves the in vitro production of pig embryos
E. Hicks, E. Winn and B. Whitaker
pp. 198-198
RDv31n1Ab147147 Pre-incubation of bovine sperm used for IVF accelerates the developmental kinetics of the resulting embryos and possibly their sex ratio
F. Kotarski, B. Zimmer and C. Wrenzycki
pp. 198-199
RDv31n1Ab148148 Effect of concentration of methionine in maturation and culture medium on cleavage rate of oocytes from alpaca (Lama pacos)
M. L. Uchuari, M. Artica, J. C. Villanueva, W. F. Huanca and W. Huanca
pp. 199-199
RDv31n1Ab149149 Bovine embryo selection can be improved by the characteristics of secreted extracellular vesicles
E. Mellisho, M. Briones, F. O. Castro and L. Rodriguez-Alvarez
pp. 199-200
RDv31n1Ab150150 Effect of bovine seminal plasma and sperm on endometrial gene expression
B. Fernandez-Fuertes, J. M. Sanchez, S. Bages and P. Lonergan
pp. 200-200
RDv31n1Ab151151 Effect of season on the in vitro fertilizing ability of frozen–thawed bovine spermatozoa
M. Sabes-Alsina, M. Wallgren, Y. Sjunesson, N. Lundeheim, M. López-Béjar and J. M. Morrell
pp. 200-201
RDv31n1Ab152152 Correlation between testicular and accessory sex glands biometric characteristics in Nellore and Caracu bulls
N. N. Rodrigues, D. P. Vrisman, G. F. Rossi, A. P. Freitas, M. F. Zorzetto, L. L. Souza, A. R. Taira, W. R. R. Vicente, F. M. Monteiro and M. E. F. Oliveira
pp. 201-201
RDv31n1Ab153153 Sperm metabolomic landscape associated with bull fertility
E. Menezes, F. Santos, A. Velho, T. Dinh, A. Kaya, E. Topper, B. Didion, A. Moura and E. Memili
pp. 201-202
RDv31n1Ab154154 Exposure of bulls to heat stress had deleterious effects on embryo development
N. Llamas Luceño, M. Van Poucke, M. Batlle Perez, K. J. Szymanska, D. Angrimani and A. Van Soom
pp. 202-202
RDv31n1Ab155155 Whole genome association analysis suggests an influence of inbreeding on bull sperm morphometry
F. Azcona, M. Sole, J. Dorado, P. Ross, E. Terán and S. Demyda-Peyrás
pp. 202-203
RDv31n1Ab156156 Effect of human tubal fluid medium and hyperactivation inducers on stallion sperm capacitation and hyperactivation
R. Felmer, C. Arroyo-Salvo, F. Fuentes, P. Cabrera, F. Treulen, M. Silva and M. E. Arias
pp. 203-203
RDv31n1Ab157157 Dietary L-arginine supplementation affects boar seminal plasma proteome
T. R. Gruhot, S. B. Park, M. A. Popoola, S. F. Liao, B. E. Mote and J. M. Feugang
pp. 203-204
RDv31n1Ab158158 Predicting embryo development success with physical parameters of oocytes
C. L. Timlin, A. Lynn, R. R. White, K. Lee and V. R. G. Mercadante
pp. 204-204
RDv31n1Ab160160 In vitro maturation of pre-pubertal goat oocytes and their development after chemical activation
N. A. Wani and S.-B. Hong
pp. 205-205
RDv31n1Ab161161 Dichloroacetate influences the mitochondrial activity of bovine oocytes impairing meiotic progression
N. Pagano, K. Annes, C. De Canditiis, J. Ispada, B. Gasparrini and M. Milazzotto
pp. 205-206
RDv31n1Ab162162 Developmental competence of bovine oocytes matured in defined medium
C. M. Helland, R. L. Reichelderfer, C. M. Owen, M. Barcelo-Fimbres, J. L. Altermatt and L. F. Campos-Chillon
pp. 206-206
RDv31n1Ab163163 Effect of melatonin and its receptors on bovine oocyte maturation and cumulus cell gene expression after heat shock in vitro: preliminary results
H. Fernandes, F. C. Castro, L. Schefer, D. M. Paschoal and C. L. V. Leal
pp. 206-207
RDv31n1Ab164164 Evaluation of the lipid content of in vitro-matured bovine cumulus–oocyte complexes in the presence of natriuretic peptides A, B, and C types
L. Schefer, K. R. L. Schwarz, H. Fernandes, D. M. P. Paschoal, F. C. C. Castro and C. L. V. Leal
pp. 207-207
RDv31n1Ab165165 In vitro maturation of ovine and caprine oocytes during breeding and nonbreeding seasons
M. Markle, C. K. Mak, V. Medina and C. R. F. Pinto
pp. 207-207
RDv31n1Ab166166 Mitochondrial stress responses in bovine cumulus cells and oocytes matured under lipotoxic conditions: a proteomic insight
W. F. A. Marei, G. Van Raemdonck, G. Baggerman, P. E. J. Bols and J. L. M. R. Leroy
pp. 208-208
RDv31n1Ab167167 Basal and maximal oxygen consumption of oocytes from young and old mares
G. Catandi, Y. Obeidat, A. Chicco, T. Chen and E. Carnevale
pp. 208-208
RDv31n1Ab168168 Melatonin slightly alleviates the effect of heat shock on nuclear maturation of the bovine oocyte
C. Shimoni, D. Kalo, P. J. Hansen and Z. Roth
pp. 209-209
RDv31n1Ab169169 Use of stored zonae pellucidae from young and old mares to study sperm–oocyte binding
C. R. Stilz, M. Stoltzfus, B. Boyd and D. R. Bresnahan
pp. 209-209
RDv31n1Ab170170 The effects of linoleic and linolenic acid supplementation on the in vitro maturation of pig oocytes in a heat-stressed environment
M. Mentler, J. Current and B. Whitaker
pp. 209-210
RDv31n1Ab171171 Effect of progesterone and prolactin on the developmental competence of bovine oocytes during the terminal phase of in vitro maturation
G. Singina, E. Shedova, T. Taradajnic, V. Konnova and E. Tsyndrina
pp. 210-210
RDv31n1Ab172172 Expression of proliferation and apoptosis markers in cumulus cells surrounding matured and aged oocytes exposed to luteotropic factors during the second phase of in vitro maturation
I. Lebedeva, O. Mityashova, A. Smekalova, E. Montvila, G. Singina and A. Lopukhov
pp. 210-211
RDv31n1Ab173173 Assessment of the first polar body quality and viability in bovine
O. Briski, M. Duque-Rodríguez, A. Gambini, N. P. Leopardo, E. A. Ynsaurralde, M. B. Rodríguez, R. J. Bevacqua and D. F. Salamone
pp. 211-211
RDv31n1Ab174174 Follicular fluid extracellular vesicles obtained from Holstein cows kept under thermoneutral or heat stress conditions modify gene expression of in vitro-matured oocytes
F. M. Dalanezi, R. A. Ferrazza, J. C. Ochoa, H. D. Mogllón, F. C. Destro, F. F. Franchi, P. K. Fontes, A. C. S. Castilho, E. M. S. Schmidt, R. Sartori and J. C. P. Ferreira
pp. 211-212
RDv31n1Ab175175 Nobiletin enhances the quality of in vitro-matured bovine oocytes and blastocysts by altering the transcription of key developmental genes
Y. N. Cajas, K. Cañón-Beltrán, M. E. González, P. Ramos-Ibeas, A. Gutierrez-Adán and D. Rizos
pp. 212-212
RDv31n1Ab176176 Effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate on bovine oocyte in vitro maturation, fertilization, and development
Y. Honkawa, Y. Gen, S.-H. Hyon and C. Kubota
pp. 212-213
RDv31n1Ab177177 Increasing in vitro embryonic development through improved oocyte maturation in cattle oocytes
J. Keim, Y. Liu and I. Polejaeva
pp. 213-213
RDv31n1Ab178178 Cellular and extracellular expression of stress response transcription factors in male and female bovine pre-implantation embryos under oxidative stress conditions
M. O. Taqi, S. Gebremedhn, D. Salilew-Wondim, F. Rings, C. Neuhoff, E. Tholen, E. Held-Hoelker, M. Hoelker, K. Schellander and D. Tesfaye
pp. 213-214
RDv31n1Ab179179 Decondensation of bovine spermatozoa after dithiothreitol treatment
L. Gatenby and K. R. Bondioli
pp. 214-214
RDv31n1Ab180180 Stallion sperm phospholipase C zeta affects cleavage rates after intracytoplasmic injection in bovine oocytes
F. Amoroso-Sanches, R. Gonzalez-Castro, J. Stokes and E. Carnevale
pp. 214-215
RDv31n1Ab181181 Equine androgenic embryos: ability of the equine sperm to develop in a heterospecific ooplasm
M. B. Rodriguez, A. Gambini and D. F. Salamone
pp. 215-215
RDv31n1Ab182182 Establishment of expanded potential embryonic stem cell lines from porcine embryos
M. Nowak-Imialek, X. Gao, P. Liu and H. Niemann
pp. 215-216
RDv31n1Ab183183 Generation of porcine embryonic stem cell lines derived from nuclear transfer embryos reconstructed with induced pluripotent stem cells
S. Haraguchi, T. Q. Dang-Nguyen, D. Wells, D. Fuchimoto, T. Fukuda and T. Tokunaga
pp. 216-216
RDv31n1Ab184184 Effect of selenium on the differentiation of porcine adipose-derived stem cells into osteoblasts
L. Siegel, T. Bane, J. Bertels, K. Ratz, M. Rubessa and M. Wheeler
pp. 216-217
RDv31n1Ab185185 Overexpression or CRISPr/Cas9-mediated inhibition of prostaglandin E2 receptors EP2 and EP4 in equine adipose mesenchymal stem cells: implications for cell migration and cellular therapies
A. C. F. Mançanares, J. O. Manríquez, J. Cabezas, F. Telleria, L. Rodriguez and F. O. Castro
pp. 217-217
RDv31n1Ab186186 The effects of different concentrations of MgSO4 in osteogenic differentiation
L. R. Padoveze, M. Rubessa, C. E. Ambrosio and M. B. Wheeler
pp. 217-218
RDv31n1Ab187187 Phenotype switch of human fibroblasts into trophoblastic cells
S. Arcuri, E. F. M. Manzoni, F. Gandolfi and T. A. L. Brevini
pp. 218-218
RDv31n1Ab188188 MicroRNA characterization in equine induced pluripotent stem cells
L. N. Moro, G. Amin, V. Furmento, A. Waisman, G. Neiman, A. La Greca, N. L. Santin, C. Luzzani, G. Sevlever, G. Vichera and S. G. Miriuka
pp. 218-219
RDv31n1Ab189189 Isolation and purification of rhinoceros and horse spermatogonial stem cells
C. Yu-Su, T. Jensen, B. Durrant and M. C. Gómez
pp. 219-219
RDv31n1Ab190190 Effects of endocrine-disrupting chemical on calcium signalling in cardiomyocyte differentiation from mouse embryonic stem cells
J.-H. Lee, Y.-M. Yoo, E.-M. Jung, C. Ahn, D. N. Tran, S. Y. Park, B. Lee, B.-H. Jeon, T. H. T. Nguyen and E.-B. Jeung
pp. 219-220
RDv31n1Ab191191 The effect of high and low doses of follicle-stimulating hormone on embryo collection in Romanov sheep
B. Carwell, D. Carwell, J. Hubbard and D. Stuerman
pp. 220-220
RDv31n1Ab192192 The use of human chorionic gonadotropin seven days after synchronized estrus for the increase of luteal tissue in Morada Nova ewes
G. B. Vergani, J. T. Trevizan, V. S. A. Pereira, J. F. Fonseca, A. R. Garcia, S. N. Esteves and M. E. F. Oliveira
pp. 220-220
RDv31n1Ab193193 Melatonin implants in spring improve embryo production of aged ewes after superovulation regardless of endometrial progesterone receptor expression
J. A. Abecia, A. Meikle, M. I. Vázquez, A. Casao, F. Forcada and C. Sosa
pp. 221-221
RDv31n1Ab194194 Superovulation response does not affect embryo development of pronuclear microinjected embryos in the goat
N. Buzzell, S. Blash, K. Miner, M. Schofield, J. Pollock, N. Hawkins, M. Hevy and W. Gavin
pp. 221-222
RDv31n1Ab195195 Effect of feeding a licorice extract to Japanese Black cows on embryo production performance after superovulation treatment
Y. Aoyagi, M. Takeuchi, Y. Oono, M. Urakawa and M. Koiwa
pp. 222-222
RDv31n1Ab196196 Embryo production using follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) or FSH + equine chorionic gonadotropin in beef donors
J. L. Barajas, A. Cedeño, S. Andrada, J. A. Ortega, J. M. Oviedo, A. Tribulo, R. Tribulo, H. Tribulo and G. A. Bó
pp. 223-223
RDv31n1Ab197197 Effect of follicle-stimulating hormone administered during different time intervals in superovulation protocols in beef cattle
A. Velázquez, H. Álvarez, F. Villaseñor, A. Miranda, N. Manzanares, S. Romo and M. Kjelland
pp. 223-224
RDv31n1Ab198198 Superovulatory response in cows undergoing aromatase inhibitor treatment
E. M. Zwiefelhofer, A. R. T. Krause, L. B. Araujo, R. J. Mapletoft and G. P. Adams
pp. 224-224
RDv31n1Ab199199 The effect of different doses of follicle-stimulating hormone during superovulation on ovarian function in dairy cattle
K. Karl, F. Jimenez-Krassel, E. Gibbings, K. E. Latham and J. J. Ireland
pp. 224-225
RDv31n1Ab200200 Developing exosomes as a mediator for CRISPR/Cas-9 delivery
N. Gupta, K. Polkoff, L. Qiao, K. Cheng and J. Piedrahita
pp. 225-225
RDv31n1Ab201201 Testing of single guide RNAs, optimization of transfection, and selection systems for the generation of SRY knockout foetal fibroblast cells
G. Vans Landschoot, R. J. Bevacqua, R. Fernandez y Martin, F. A. Pereyra-Bonnet and D. F. Salamone
pp. 225-226
RDv31n1Ab202202 Combination of transcription activator-like effector nucleases and homology-independent target integration strategy gene editing technologies for knock-in of recombinant human factor IX Under the β-casein native promoter in bovine IVF embryos
V. Savy, R. J. Bevacqua, N. G. Canel, V. Alberio, L. D. Ratner, D. F. Carlson, M. I. Gismondi, O. A. Taboga, S. Ferraris, S. B. Rulli, S. C. Fahrenkrug, D. F. Salamone and R. Fernández-Martín
pp. 226-226
RDv31n1Ab203203 Newly designed liposome nanoparticles for drug delivery into boar spermatozoa
J. M. Feugang, M. W. Eggert, S. B. Park, M. A. Popoola, C. S. Steadman, R. R. Arnold, P. L. Ryan and S. T. Willard
pp. 227-227
RDv31n1Ab204204 Efficient editing of porcine parthenogenetic zygotes by electroporation of Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes
F. L. Ongaratto, P. Rodriguez-Villamil, U. Ganbaatar, C. De Frutos, S. Solin and D. F. Carlson
pp. 227-227
RDv31n1Ab205205 Towards the correction of meconium ileus with cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) intestinal expression in CFTR knockout sheep
I. Viotti Perisse, Z. Fan, Y. Liu, M. Regouski, A. Van Wettere, Z. Wang, A. Harris, K. L. White and I. A. Polejaeva
pp. 228-228
RDv31n1Ab206206 Towards the generation of transchromosomic goats for the production of fully human immunoglobulin
Z. Fan, M. Regouski, M. Brandsrud, H. Wu, Y. Liu, Z. Wang, E. Sullivan and I. A. Polejaeva
pp. 228-228
RDv31n1Ab207207 Cat oviductal exosomes as a tool to improve gamete rescue of endangered felids: effects on sperm capacitation and in vitro fertilization
A. Carothers, R. Dahal, N. Songsasen and M. Ferraz
pp. 229-229
RDv31n1Ab208208 The effect of copper on the differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells into osteoblasts
T. Bane, L. Siegel, J. Bertels, K. Ratz, M. Rubessa and M. Wheeler
pp. 229-230
RDv31n1Ab209209 Overexpression of WAVE1 activates pluripotency-related genes in porcine somatic cells
K. Carey, K. Uh, J. Ryu and K. Lee
pp. 230-230