Australian Journal of Physics
Volume 49 Number 2 1996
PH960231Summation of the Dominating Diagrams in Many-body Perturbation Theory
VA Dzuba, VV Flambaum and WA King
pp. 231-246
PH960247Ab initio Calculations on Excited Molecular Ions of Ethylene and Acetylene
Ernest R Davidson and Yan A Wang
pp. 247-260
PH960261Electronic Structure from Polarised Neutron Diffraction
GS Chandler, D Jayatilaka and SK Wolff
pp. 261-272
PH960273Close-coupling Formalism for Electron/PositronAtom Systems and Underlying Scattering Theory
Andris T Stelbovics and Lindsay Berge
pp. 273-290
PH960291Principal Quantum Number Dependence for ElectronHydrogen Collisions
V Bubelev, I Bray, DH Madison and AT Stelbovics
pp. 291-300
PH960301Spin-resolved Alignment and Orientation Effects in Atomic Collisions
Klaus Bartschat and Nils Andersen
pp. 301-320
PH960321Electronic Structure Information from Electron Impact Ionisation Experiments
MA Coplan, JP Doering, DH Madison, JH Moore and AA Pinkás
pp. 321-334
PH960335Angular and Polarisation Correlations between Cascade Photons
JB Wang and JF Williams
pp. 335-346
PH960375The Triple Coincidence Detection of the Helium 31D State Decay
AG Mikosza and JF Williams
pp. 375-382
PH960383Spin Effects in the (e, 2e) Cross Section of Xenon
B Granitza, X Guo, JM Hum, J Lower, S Mazevet, IE McCarthy, Y Shen and E Weigold
pp. 383-402
PH960403Dissociative Attachment Studies of Halogen-containing Molecules: Problems, Applications and Challenges
PD Burrow, GA Gallup, II Fabrikant and KD Jordan
pp. 403-424
PH960425Monte Carlo Calculations of Effective Surface Tension for Small Clusters
Barbara N Hale
pp. 425-434
PH960445Excited-state Structure and Dynamics of Nitric Oxide probed by Resonant Four-wave Mixing Techniques
EF McCormack, ST Pratt, PM Dehmer and JL Dehmer
pp. 445-456
PH960457Core-hole Electronic Structure Studies on Molecules using Synchrotron Radiation
Frank P Larkins
pp. 457-470
PH960471Spatially Resolved Inter-electron Interaction of Autoionising States
JG Story, DI Duncan and TF Gallagher
pp. 471-480
PH960481Laser Assisted Collisions of Electrons with Metal Vapours
PJO Teubner, PM Farrell, V Karaganov, MR Law and V Suvorov
pp. 481-498
PH960499New Data from Laser Interrogation of Electron-Atom Collisions Experiments
AT Masters, RT Sang, WR MacGillivray and MC Standage
pp. 499-514
PH960515Electron Collisions with Metastable Helium
Marcus Jacka, Jennifer Kelly, Birgit Lohmann and Stephen Buckman
pp. 515-526
PH960527Interaction of Highly Charged Ions with Surfaces
Joachim Burgdörfer, Carlos Reinhold, Lotten Hägg and Fred Meyer
pp. 527-542
PH960543Direct Observation of EnergyMomentum Densities in Solids
E Weigold, YQ Cai, SA Canney, AS Kheifets, IE McCarthy, P Storer and M Vos
pp. 543-554
PH960555Laser Focusing of Atoms for Nanostructure Fabrication
JJ McClelland, R Gupta, ZJ Jabbour and RJ Celotta
pp. 555-566
PH960567Production of Ultrabright Slow Atomic Beams Using Laser Cooling
MD Hoogerland, D Milic, W Lu, H-A Bachor, KGH Baldwin and SJ Buckman
pp. 567-576
PH960577Manipulating Beams of Ultra-cold Atoms with a Static Magnetic Field
WJ Rowlands, DC Lau, GI Opat, AI Sidorov, RJ McLean and P Hannaford
pp. 577-588