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Australian Journal of Physics Australian Journal of Physics Society
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Manipulating Beams of Ultra-cold Atoms with a Static Magnetic Field

WJ Rowlands, DC Lau, GI Opat, AI Sidorov, RJ McLean and P Hannaford

Australian Journal of Physics 49(2) 577 - 588
Published: 1996


We report preliminary results on the deflection of a beam of ultra-cold atoms by a static magnetic field. Caesium atoms trapped in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) are cooled using optical molasses, and then fall freely under gravity to form a beam of ultra-cold atoms. The atoms pass through a static inhomogeneous magnetic field produced by a single current-carrying wire, and are deflected by a force ▽(µB) dependent on the magnetic substate of the atom. The population of atoms in various magnetic substates can be altered by using resonant laser radiation to optically pump the atoms.

© CSIRO 1996

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