Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 6 Number 2 2000
PC000094Testing methods for mitigation of tree dieback in Tasmanian dry eucalypt forests and woodlands
J. B. Kirkpatrick A. Zacharek and K. Chappell
pp. 94-101
PC000102Terrestrial arthropods in a fragmented landscape: a review of ecological research in the Western Australian central wheatbelt
Max Abensperg-Traun, Graeme T. Smith and Barbara York Main
pp. 102-119
PC000120Classifying endangered vegetation communities: a case study of Cumberland Plain Woodlands
K. French, B. Callaghan and S. Hill
pp. 120-129
PC000130The use by wildlife of paddock trees in farmland
Bradley S. Law, Mark Chidel and Graham Turner
pp. 130-143
PC000144The ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) fauna of coastal heath in south-west Victoria: effects of dominance by Acacia sophorae and management actions to control it
R. E. Clay and K. E. Schneider
pp. 144-151
PC000152Using biological survey data when selecting Marine Protected Areas: an operational framework and associated risks
M. A. Vanderklift and T. J. Ward
pp. 152-161
PC000162Hector's Dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori calf mortalities may indicate new risks from boat traffic and habituation
Gregory S. Stone and Austen Yoshinaga
pp. 162-170
PC000171Arthropods on street trees: a food resource for wildlife
Simrath Bhullar and Jonathan Majer
pp. 171-173
PC000176Parks for Biodiversity: Policy Guidance based on Experience in ACP Countries
Hayley Valentine
pp. 176-176