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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

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The role of sexual reproduction in maintaining populations of Halophila decipiens: implications for the biodiversity and conservation of tropical seagrass ecosystems

W. Judson Kenworthy
5(4) pp.260 - 268

28 articles found in Crossref database.

Duarte Carlos M., Fourqurean James W., Krause-Jensen Dorte, Olesen Birgit
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Kowalski Joseph L., DeYoe Hudson R.
Botanica Marina. 2016 59(2-3). p.193
Depth-related variability in the photobiology of two populations of Halophila johnsonii and Halophila decipiens
Durako M. J., Kunzelman J. I., Kenworthy W. J., Hammerstrom K. K.
Marine Biology. 2003 142(6). p.1219
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Hovey Renae K., Statton John, Fraser Matthew W., Ruiz-Montoya Leonardo, Zavala-Perez Andrea, Rees Max, Stoddart James, Kendrick Gary A.
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First record of the tropical seagrass species Halophila decipiens Ostenfeld in the Mediterranean Sea
Gerakaris Vasilis, Lardi Polytimi-loli, Issaris Yiannis
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Balestri E., Lardicci C.
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York Paul H., Carter Alex B., Chartrand Kathryn, Sankey Tonia, Wells Linda, Rasheed Michael A.
Scientific Reports. 2015 5(1).
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Uhrin Amy V., Kenworthy W. Judson, Fonseca Mark S.
Ecological Applications. 2011 21(4). p.1365
Dynamics of a subtropical seagrass landscape: links between disturbance and mobile seed banks
Bell Susan S., Fonseca Mark S., Kenworthy W. Judson
Landscape Ecology. 2008 23(S1). p.67
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Science of The Total Environment. 2015 534 p.97
Orth Robert J., Harwell Matthew C., Inglis Graeme J.
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Kenworthy W. Judson, Wyllie-Echeverria Sandy, Coles Robert G., Pergent Gérard, Pergent-Martini Christine
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Journal of Coastal Research. 2008 243 p.790
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Marine Environmental Research. 2018 136 p.126
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Hammerstrom Kamille K, Judson Kenworthy W
Aquatic Botany. 2003 76(1). p.79
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van Katwijk M.M., Wijgergangs L.J.M.
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Hammerstrom Kamille K., Kenworthy W. Judson, Fonseca Mark S., Whitfield Paula E.
Aquatic Botany. 2006 84(2). p.110
Kuo J., Hartog C. den
Seagrasses of Australia (2018)
Phinn Stuart, Roelfsema Chris, Kovacs Eva, Canto Robert, Lyons Mitch, Saunders Megan, Maxwell Paul

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