Volume 83 Number 2 1983
MU9830075The breeding biologies of the Petrels Pterodroma macroptera, P. brevirostris and P. mollis at Marion Island
M Schramm, JCZ Woinarski, DF Dorward and JM Cullen
pp. 75-81
MU9830094The little Penguin Eudyptula minor in Victoria, IV: Moult
PN Reilly and JM Cullen
pp. 94-98
MU9830099Waterbirds on natural and artificial waterbodies in the Namoi Valley, New South Wales
LS Broome and PJ Jarman
pp. 99-104
MU9830108Territories of the Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen in South-east Queensland
JM Hughes, bJ Pearce and K Vockenson
pp. 108-111
MU9830112A census of Buller's Albatross Diomedea bulleri at the Snares Islands, New Zealand
J Warham and SL Bennington
pp. 112-114