Waterbirds on natural and artificial waterbodies in the Namoi Valley, New South Wales
83(2) 99 - 104
Published: 1983
Development of irrigated agriculture in the Namoi valley, NSW has left few natural waterbodies and created many artificial ones. Of the latter, those which are small, narrow, of uniform depth, and relatively unvegetated have invertebrate communities dominated by snails and carry few individuals and species of waterbirds. Natural or artificial waterbodies that offer an array of water depths and vegetation associations, have rich communities of invertebrates and carry higher numbers of species and individuals of waterbirds. Birds were most abundant on natural waterbodies, which particularly attracted dabbling, filtering and grazing ducks, and birds that eat fish, frogs and large invertebrates. The larger artificial waterbodies were favoured by gulls, terns, coots, swans and diving ducks.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1983