Editorial Structure
Acceptance of papers for Papua New Guinea Medical Journal is managed by the Editor-in-Chief and supported by Editors and an Editorial Committee. The final decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief. The journal’s policies on peer review can be found on the journal website.
Our journal editors are expected to work within the framework of the Core Practices, and according to the CSIRO Publishing Editorial Board Conduct Policy.
- Professor William S Pomat, Papua New Guinea Institute of Medical Research, Papua New Guinea
- Professor Nakapi Tefuarani, University of Papua New Guinea, Papua New Guinea
- Professor Francis Hombhanje, Divine Word University - Rabaul Campus, Papua New Guinea
Editorial Committee
- Dr John Bolnga
- Professor Trevor Duke
- Clinical Associate Professor Deborah Lehmann
- Professor Lohi Matainaho
- Dr John Millan
- Professor Glen Mola
- Dr Moses Laman
- Professor John Vince
Editorial Advisor
- Associate Professor Andrew Collins
Assistant Editor
- Ms Norries Pomat
Emeritus Editor
- Professor Michael Alpers