Co-design and Traditional Owner participation in an assessment of abundance and size of Donax deltoides (garlaany, pipi) in Ngambaa Country, New South Wales, Australia
Jade Fredericks

Integration of Indigenous ecological knowledge (IEK) and Traditional Owner participation in the co-design of field-sampling techniques can optimise data collection on fisheries resources, that may be under-represented when using conventional scientific knowledge (CSK) alone.
To co-design an IEK-informed sampling methodology to assess counts and size–frequency distribution of an aggregated sandy shore mollusc, Donax deltoides (garlaany, pipi).
We worked with Traditional Owners to co-design a sampling regime synonymous with traditional harvesting techniques. This method was then applied to an assessment of D. deltoides on the Mid North Coast, New South Wales, Australia, at Stuarts Point Beach, over 13 months from November 2021 to November 2022.
This co-designed methodology differed from CSK by using non-random site selection and sampling techniques informed by cultural practice. The standardised methodology was repeatable, quantitative and successfully detected significant spatial and temporal variation in D. deltoides counts and size–frequency distribution, as well as correlations with environmental variables.
A co-designed framework that integrates IEK can provide quantitative assessments of counts and size–frequency distributions in an exploited aggregated sandy shore mollusc.
IEK and Traditional Owner participation can facilitate scientifically rigorous data collection on culturally important species, while fostering stewardship and co-management.
Keywords: bivalve, cultural harvesting techniques, environmental indicators, fisheries assessment, IEK, Indigenous ecological knowledge, infauna, population biology, sandy shores, soft sediment communities.
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