Spatial resolution of shell microchemistry for tracking dispersing pelagic mussels in a large open embayment in northern New Zealand
Wenjie Wu
The effectiveness of using shell microchemistry methods for reconstructing the pelagic dispersal of shell-forming marine organisms relies on the existence of sufficient spatial variability and temporal stability in the microchemical composition of coastal waters.
This study aimed to determine whether shell microchemistry methods can reliably infer pelagic dispersal of green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus) across a large and well-mixed embayment in New Zealand.
Isotopes of 12 chemical elements (7Li, 27Al, 59Co, 60Ni, 63Cu, 66Zn, 88Sr, 138Ba, 139La, 140Ce, 208Pb and 238U) were assessed from juvenile mussel shells grown in situ from 22 sites for two consecutive periods of ~5 weeks.
There was sufficient spatial variability in measured shell element concentrations to support microchemical atlases that are capable of distinguishing among regions within this large embayment, with 73% assignment accuracy. However, the temporal variability in the microchemical signatures is such that they would need to be sampled contemporaneously with animal samples to be effective for distinguishing pelagic dispersal of mussels in the embayment.
The shell microchemistry shows sufficient spatio-temporal resolution for reliably inferring pelagic dispersal of this economically and ecologically important mussel species over a large embayment. Sufficient resolution at such large scale may come from unique hydro-geological inputs.
This study confirms the feasibility of shell microchemistry method in tracking pelagic dispersal of marine organisms across a large well-mixed embayment, offering insights to improve accuracy and reduce costs for future research.
Keywords: coastal-water chemistry, estuaries, freshwater inflows, green-lipped mussel, LA-ICP-MS, larval mussel dispersal, Perna canaliculus, shell microchemistry.
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