A model for inferring past conductivity in low salinity waters derived from Murray River (Australia) diatom plankton
John Tibby A D and Michael A. Reid B CA Geographical and Environmental Studies, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
B Centre for Palynology and Palaeoecology, School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic. 3800, Australia.
C Present address: National Institute for Water and Atmosphere Christchurch, PO Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand.
D Corresponding author. Email: John.Tibby@adelaide.edu.au
Marine and Freshwater Research 55(6) 597-607 https://doi.org/10.1071/MF04032
Submitted: 20 February 2004 Accepted: 10 May 2004 Published: 14 September 2004
Detecting human-induced salinisation in rivers and wetlands of the Murray-Darling Basin has proved problematic. A diatom-based model that permits the estimation of past electrical conductivity (EC) from sedimentary diatom sequences has been developed from Murray River planktonic diatoms. Canonical Correspondence Analysis indicates that EC explains the greatest amount of variance in Murray River planktonic diatoms and that its influence is partially independent of that associated with velocity, turbidity, pH and nutrients. A weighted-averaging based model for inferring past EC was therefore derived from the relationship between diatom composition and EC in Murray River plankton samples. The model works well when comparisons are made between measured and diatom-inferred EC determined by jackknifing based leave-one-out computer resampling (r2jack = 0.71, root-mean-square-error of prediction = 115 μS cm−1). Application of the model will enhance understanding of the nature of pre-European variability in electrical conductivity and permit detection of changes in conductivity through the period of European occupation at key sites. Such reconstructions will provide a firm empirical basis for assessing European impact on aquatic ecosystems and a means by which to assess restoration efforts.
Extra keywords: baseline, human impact, palaeolimnology, transfer function, wetland.
Jody Swirepik, Murray-Darling Basin Commission (MDBC) gave permission for the MDBC’s samples to be accessed and Cris Diaconu (MDBC) provided water quality data. Velocity data or cross-section data used to calculate velocity were provided by Barbara Dworakowski, THIESS Environmental Services (Euston, Merbein, Swan Hill, Torrumbarry), Rod Kerr, New South Wales Department of Land and Water Conservation (Heywood’s Bridge and Yarrawonga) and Barry Porter, South Australian Department of Water Resources (Morgan). Andy Close (MDBC) provided river distances. Andy Moores processed the diatom samples. Carl Sayer provided valuable advice about the identification of Stephanodiscus and Cyclostephanos species. Dave Ryves provided useful comments on an earlier manuscript. The study was funded by a Strategic Monash University Research Grant to Peter Kershaw and others.
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