Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 55 Number 6 2004
MF04038 Age, growth and the potential for growth overfishing of spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from the Chesapeake Bay, eastern USA
Kevin R. Piner and Cynthia M. Jones
pp. 553-560
MF03130 A comparison of underwater visual distance estimates made by scuba divers and a stereo-video system: implications for underwater visual census of reef fish abundance
Euan Harvey, David Fletcher, Mark R. Shortis and Gary A. Kendrick
pp. 573-580
MF04044The relationship between sediment and water quality, and riverine sediment loads in the wave-dominated estuaries of south-west Western Australia
L. C. Radke, I. P. Prosser, M. Robb, B. Brooke, D. Fredericks, G. B. Douglas and J. Skemstad
pp. 581-596
MF04032 A model for inferring past conductivity in low salinity waters derived from Murray River (Australia) diatom plankton
John Tibby and Michael A. Reid
pp. 597-607
MF03170 Spatial relationships and temporal variability in a littoral macrophyte fish assemblage
S. R. Balcombe and G. P. Closs
pp. 609-617
MF04033 Geographic patterns of genetic diversity in subterranean amphipods of the Pilbara, Western Australia
Terrie L. Finston and Michael S. Johnson
pp. 619-628
MF04050 Mitochondrial DNA reveals phylogenetic structuring and cryptic diversity in Australian freshwater macroinvertebrate assemblages
Andrew M. Baker, Jane M. Hughes, John C. Dean and Stuart E. Bunn
pp. 629-640