Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 58 Number 5 2007
MF06141Influence of local-scale and landscape-scale habitat characteristics on California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) abundance and survival
Thien T. Mai and Kevin A. Hovel
pp. 419-428
MF06240The effects of turbidity and complex habitats on the feeding of a galaxiid fish are clear and simple
R. D. Stuart-Smith, J. F. Stuart-Smith, R. W. G. White and L. A. Barmuta
pp. 429-435
MF06201Impact of tadpoles and mosquito larvae on ephemeral pond structure and processes
Allie Mokany
pp. 436-444
MF06233Effects of hooking damage and hook type on post-release survival of sand flathead (Platycephalus bassensis)
Jeremy M. Lyle, Natalie A. Moltschaniwskyj, Alastair J. Morton, Ian W. Brown and David Mayer
pp. 445-453
MF06211Affinity of extracellular phosphatases for ELF97 phosphate in aquatic environments
Jiří Nedoma, France Van Wambeke, Alena Štrojsová, Martina Štrojsová and Solange Duhamel
pp. 454-460
MF06155Foraminiferal record of ecological impact of deforestation and oyster farms, Mahurangi Harbour, New Zealand
Hugh R. Grenfell, Bruce W. Hayward and Mark Horrocks
pp. 475-491
MF06241Effects of simulated green turtle regrazing on seagrass abundance, growth and nutritional status in Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland, Australia
Marianne Kuiper-Linley, Craig R. Johnson and Janet M. Lanyon
pp. 492-503