Application of a ‘case building approach’ to investigate the age distributions and growth dynamics of Australian sardine (Sardinops sagax) off South Australia
P. J. Rogers A B and T. M. Ward AA South Australian Research and Development Institute (Aquatic Sciences), PO Box 120, Henley Beach, Adelaide, SA 5022, Australia.
B Corresponding author. Email:
Marine and Freshwater Research 58(5) 461-474
Submitted: 4 October 2006 Accepted: 21 February 2007 Published: 22 May 2007
Like many pelagic fish, sardine Sardinops sagax is difficult to age by counting structures in otoliths. Of 12 968 whole otoliths analysed in the present study, <25% could be counted with accuracies of greater than ±1 zone. Estimates of average percentage error (APE) were high (11.37%). We used a ‘case building approach’ to corroborate a method for estimating age. Regressions of otolith weight–age from otoliths with high readabilities were used to estimate the age of fish with lower or unreadable otoliths. Growth rates determined from daily increments ranged from 0.36 to 0.75 mm day–1 for larvae and from 0.22 to 0.47 mm day–1 for juveniles. Estimates of von Bertalanffy growth coefficients were k = 0.32–1.07 year–1 and L∞ = 166.96–195.68 mm. Growth parameters estimated during the present study support previous assertions that levels of pelagic production in South Australian (SA) waters lie between those recorded in the predominantly oligotrophic waters off Western Australia (WA) and the productive waters off southern California and South Africa. Disparities in the age distributions of inshore and offshore samples suggest that age data from commercial catch samples may not be representative of the population. This finding has implications for the use of age-structured models to assess of stocks of S. sagax and other small pelagic fishes.
Additional keywords: mass mortality event, otolith weight, recovery.
This study was funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation (Project No. 2000/125). SARDI Aquatic Sciences provided in-kind support. We would like to thank Lachlan McLeay, David Schmarr, Richard Saunders, Nathan Strong, Alex Ivey and Megan Westlake who assisted in the field and laboratory. A portion of the larval length-age data was collected during an Honours study conducted by Nathan Strong. Wetjens Dimmlich provided constructive comments on drafts of the manuscript and helped to collect samples. Dr Yongshun Xiao provided valuable assistance with the growth modelling. Sid Hanson, Tony Jones, Tony Rowlings and Alex Jelanek of SA Premium Pilchards and licence holders in the South Australian Sardine Fishery provided samples from commercial catches. We also thank the master and crew of RV ‘Ngerin’, including Neil Chigwidden, Dave Kerr, Chris Small and Ralph Putz, for help to collect samples during numerous research surveys. We thank Dr Chris Francis (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, NIWA) for email discussions on Bayesian age estimation techniques for estimating proportions at age.
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