Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Volume 43 Number 1 1992
MF9920013Movements and associated observations of bait-attracted White Sharks, Carcharodon carcharias: A preliminary report
WR Strong, RC Murphy, BD Bruce and DR Nelson
pp. 13-20
MF9920045Tagging studies on the Shortfin Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) in the Western North Atlantic
JG Casey and NE Kohler
pp. 45-60
MF9920061Tracking Coastal Sharks with small boats: Hammerhead Shark Pups as a case study
KN Holland, CG Lowe, JD Peterson and A Gill
pp. 61-66
MF9920077Reproductive biology of the Bigeye Thresher Shark, Alopias superciliosus (Lowe, 1939)
J Moreno and J Moron
pp. 77-86
MF9920087 Diets of sharks from estuaries and adjacent waters of the North-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
JP Salini, SJM Blaber and DT Brewer
pp. 87-96
MF9920149 Tendon structure of the Caudal Fin in the Blue Sharkd, Prionace glauca
ED Keithan, JY Ma and W Rashi
pp. 149-156
MF9920237Preliminary results of a study into the incidental mortality of sharks in Gill-nets in two Tasmanian Shark Nursery Areas
H Williams and AH Schaap
pp. 237-250
MF9920251Economics of resource conservation in a commercial shark fishery
D Campbell, T Battaglene and W Shafron
pp. 251-262
MF9920263Protection against shark attack in South Africa, 1952-90
G Cliff and SFJ Dudley
pp. 263-272
MF9920273Long-term studies of Serum Concentrations of reproductively related Steriod Hormones in individual captive Carcharhinids
LEL Rasmussen and FL Murru
pp. 273-281
MF9920283Assessment of catches from Protective Shark meshing off NSW beaches between 1950 and 1990
DD Reid and M Krogh
pp. 283-296
MF9920297Growth, age estimation and feeding of captive Sevengill Sharks, Notorynchus cepedianus, at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
G Van Dykhuizen and HF Mollet
pp. 297-318